Chapter 56

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Dinah's POV 

You know how a lot of people say they're carrying their friends or coworkers through their successes, well i'm literally carrying two idiots on my back right now running for our lives. This is some kinda messed up bullshit, and the only type of thing that would happen to me and no one else. 

Now it's probably not hard to come up with some reason for the witch doctor to be on his ass, but then i bet you're wondering; why does Normani, a two hundred year old Vampire need me to carry her? Let me put it this way, it was for all kinds of stupid reasons, but i'm gonna playback the main one for you anyway. 

'Guys, can't this conversation wait five minutes!?' I yelled back at the two who were trailing behind with a bunch of jungle cats on our tail. In hindsight i could have just grabbed Tyrus and sped up the entire process but every time i tried to get near him Normani would just glare at me until i stepped back. 

'No, not until he takes back what he said about Beyonce!' Normani yelled, and grabbed an entire nearby tree with one hand then launched it behind her; effectively scattering the cats as they bounced to get out of the way i shoved the pair to go in another direction. 

'Never, she's a mediocre singer and she took back her cheating husband even though he banged some other chick!' Tyrus argued back and Normani gasped loudly. 

'She's the best singer of her time, and she gave Jay-z a second chance. It's a sign of good character!' 

'It's a good sign of being fucking weak, if she was the strong, independent woman she claims to be she would have dropped that ugly ass chump in a hot second' Oh my god, we're gonna die here. Normani will tear him to shreds first and then the Jungle cats will pick their teeth with us. 

'She can't help that she's in love with him!' the hot headed vamp and generally hot girlfriend of mine practically screeched. 

'Okay, let me ask you this. If Dinah cheated on you, would you forgive her?' Trick question, i would never cheat on my baby. 

'Of course i would, because i love her!' Yeah you do. 

'Well then you officially have something in common with Beyonce, you're both idiots' It was at this moment i had the overwhelming urge to give this punk a poly beat down, but i assessed the risks and decided that now was neither the time nor the place, i'll do it later. 

'Guys, impending death, vicious carnivores with very large fangs and an even bigger appetite for escapees and two very beautiful Vampires' I reminded them and gestured to the pack that was slowly gaining on us. Actually i was amazed they still hadn't caught up yet. 

'Please, those puppies couldn't catch their own tail, let alone us. Thanks to my genius that is' Tyrus boasted and i was afraid the exhaustion of running had gone to his head. 

'What the hell you talkin' bout?' I asked and he showed me a bundle of flowers in his hand. 

'While Normani and i were talking i was grabbing some gear to help us escape'

'Oh really, and what are we gonna do with those? Make em a nice corsage for when they take us all to jail?' Normani said sarcastically. 

'No you ignoramus, if you combine the right set of ingredients you can create a brew that the cats will inhale and it'll slow them down' he explained and i was actually impressed, i wonder how long it took him to master that trick. 

'So what do you call that thing you made back there?' i asked genuinely intrigued. 

'Catnip' he shrugged. Oh my mother fucking god. We're risking our lives for this guy!?!?!

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