Chapter 99

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Sofi's POV 

Next time i see Lauren remind me to tell her she told me so because well, she really did tell me so. Splitting up is definitely the worst idea in the entire world, humans and supernatural creatures alike should never split up as a fundamental rule in survival. How important is covering more ground or coming at the enemy from multiple sides compared to everybody making it through with their heads still physically attached to their bodies. Now i know what you're thinking, Sofi, now is not the time for ludicrous exaggerations but i swear to you on Gods green Earth i just saw a Werewolf decapitate another Werewolf and we can't recover from that shit. I thought as long as i had Phaidra with me i'd be practically untouchable but they took her away to another part of the Pits and i can't smell or see her in this crowd. 

I know i like to think i'm a badass but i don't even have a  single tattoo let alone a reputation for murder and some of these guys have rap sheets longer than a lot of the worst criminals on this planet combined. I just hope there're friendly fights in amongst all of the murdery one's. 

"Hey, newbie, get your ass over here" one of the guys grunted and with all the faux confidence i could muster i wandered over to where he was standing. "Pick a weapon, i don't care which one, but in your case it would help if you knew how to use it" he laughed before stepping to the side. Behind him where several racks of bladed weapons, swords, daggers, throwing knives, axes, you name it they had it and suffice to say i'm a little behind on my medieval swordsmanship. 

"What do i need a weapon for? Werewolves usually tend to fight with their claws" I said, looking at the scary guy who got infinitely scarier the second he bared his fangs and let out a terrifying roar which i presume was supposed to be his way of laughing. 

"You hear that boys, this little lady's too good for weapons" he announced before shoving me backwards through a large archway. 

"No wait, that's not what i meant!" i argued and ran forward only to be cut off when a giant fence came crashing down in front of me. 

"I'd say good luck, but you're not getting out of there alive" he snickered before walking away with his posse of renegades beside him sharing the same knowing look. 

"Hey, stop!! Open this gate!! I'm talking to you asshole, hey, get back here!!!" I yelled, thrashing against the thick silver bars to no avail. He's right, i wasn't getting out of here, but so far it's fifty fifty odds on whether i stay alive... 

"Mmmmm... Fresh meat" A rough voice growled causing my hair to stand on end. I turned around with my back pressed firmly against the wall only to lay eyes on the worst possible outcome for this scenario. I figured they'd start me off easy, in video games they pit you against easy bad guys to help slowly build up your experience, i mean that's just logic right? Well in this instance they put my Level 1 Rookie character right up against the Level 50 Boss Werewolf with no armour, weapons, items or magic spells in my repertoire.

Make those odds seventy/thirty. 

"Hey there, what's up, name's Sofi. And you are?" I said, raising my slightly trembling hand into a waving gesture before planting it back against the wall. 

"They call me Corpse Maker" he replied, swinging what i can only describe to be a very intimidating looking mace on a chain. I think they call it a Morningstar? But in my case, i'd call it a very enthusiastic no thank you. 

"And is that like a family name or-"

"My true name is Galfane, Leonardo Galfane. But my years of weeding out the weak and unworthy led me to earn the name Corpse Maker. Now tell me child, do you have a death wish, or do i get to choose how you die?" He asked, swinging the chain around in his hands and moving slowly towards me. Okay, this is getting far too real for my liking. 

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