Chapter 79

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Trigger warning for talk of suicide and depression. Also, i'm sorry. 

Camila's POV 

Can someone explain to me why everything hurts, and i don't mean existentially, i mean, why does my body hurt and my head feel like it's going to explode? I don't remember anything, i mean i do, but i don't, kind of like a dream; the more i think about it and the longer i'm awake the less clear it becomes. Fuck! People don't just black out for no reason, especially in the middle of a fight... A fight! That sounds about right, Keana and I were fighting again about... eurgh, about something and i remember i was pissed at her and then... nothing. Everything just kinda cut out, like i wasn't even there anymore, and- wait is this blood!? Oh god i didn't kill Keana did i? I mean props to me if i did because she is one tough nut to crack, but also i really hope i didn't because i don't need that on my conscience right now, I have enough problems already. 

Did she knock me out? I guess this could be my own blood, lord knows it wouldn't be hard for her to put me on my ass but i've never heard of Werewolves getting Amnesia, temporary or otherwise; our biology simply doesn't allow it. Except of course for... Ah SHIT! Except when they're immortal! The grey eyed scary Werewolf from before. But i'm confused, that's only supposed to happen every ten years, and stop me if i'm wrong but i don't think it's been anywhere near that long. I need to talk to Keana and find out what in the world is going on before I go insane lying here overthinking about it. Just give me a minute- seriously my head, i'm actually worried i may have overloaded it with information because this pounding can't be normal, we don't get headaches! Please let whoever controls the universe know that they fucked up somewhere down the line, thanks.

I attempted to sit up and instantly felt dizzy, the continuous thumping in my head becoming almost unbearable and the second my feet hit the floor so did I. It wasn't very a majestic fall either, face first on a hard wood floor, arms crushed at a weird angle under the weight of my body. It was like someone had completely knocked the wind out of me and kicked me while i was down. 

'Camila? What're you doing on the floor?'

'Don't just stand there...' i grunted. 'Help me'

'Okay fine, but only because i can't stand seeing you look this pathetic' she tutted and begrudgingly pulled me to my feet. 'There, all better?'

'Actually no, do you have any aspirin?' i asked and watched her expression change from disappointment to disbelief. 

'Aspirin? Yeah, good one Camila. Werewolves don't get headaches' she laughed and walked away as i followed. 

'That's what i said! But i'm serious Keana, my head is killing me' I whined and then like a light bulb going off  i quickly followed up with 'Speaking of killing, you're not dead!' 

'Dead?' she quirked, taking out the aspirin she claimed not to have and i watched as she poured me a glass of water. 'Why would i be dead exactly?' 

'Keana there's blood on my hands, my body feels like it was hit by a tornado and i can't remember most of what happened... wait is it still today or is it tomorrow?' i pondered as she placed the aspirin into my hand and pushed the glass in front of me.  

'Take that, drink the whole thing, then come find me in the Living room and we'll talk' she stated before wandering off. What is it with people and their weird cryptic non helpful, vague explanations of things. Whatever, stupid head, i don't have time for another inner monologue. I downed the aspirin and the water then went off in search of Keana, lucky for me she was right where she said she'd be, right beside the giant hole and scattered debris of what was once her Living room- Wait whhhaaatt!?

'Any of this coming back to you yet?' she mused, crunching on some savory snacks and acting as if the entire neighborhood couldn't see into her home right now. 

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