Chapter 80

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Sofi's POV

I'm alone with a Vampire, in a dark, candle lit room in the middle of the woods. I honestly can't tell if this is the start of a cheesy romantic comedy or a horror movie. Don't ask me where the romantic part came from, this situation is more hilarious than anything else, i mean a Werewolf and a Vampire sitting on good terms and talking freely with one another without fear of manipulation or the possibility of ulterior motives. I know Lauren and Camila managed to work something out, but this is entirely different isn't it? They were in love, are in love? Whatever, either way, we aren't them. Yeah, the only thing really romantic about this situation is the mood lighting; swap out the candles for a couple of torches and this is essentially a slumber party. There's nothing un-platonic about that right? Exactly... 

So why do i still have butterflies! I just have to get the ball rolling, the more she talks the more i can distract myself from this weird spine tingly feeling i keep getting. It doesn't help that she chose to sit right freakin next to me when there's an abundance of seating areas all around us. Focus Sofi, she brought you here to ask her questions not to watch you have a meltdown about something that may or may not even be happening. The new puzzle now is what to ask a centuries old Vampire, i guess it couldn't hurt to start with the house, unless that's too personal, the last thing i wanna do is hurt her feelings by drudging up old memories. 

'Earth to Cutie, i told you not to overthink it, you can ask me anything. No holding back, no secrets, just complete and total honesty' Phaidra spoke up, chuckling lightly to herself as she was perched just across from me, her body facing mine and her left hand resting in her hair as her elbow was propped against the top of the sofa. 

'Remind me why we're doing this again?' i asked instead, and she let out a puff of air before batting her long eyelashes. 

'It can't hurt to be friends  with the person you're going into war with right? I figured you and i could spend this little interim we've found ourselves lumped in getting to know each other a little better' she explained, and if it wasn't for that ghost of a smirk on her lips i would have believed her. 

'Okay, let's say you're telling the truth, i assume you'll want to ask me a few questions too correct?' i inquired and she hummed aloud. 

'You're quite the perceptive little Werewolf aren't you? Yes, you are correct, i may be a Vampire but i still have the determined curiosity of a human, it's infuriating' she sighed and now it was my turn to laugh. 'Find something amusing cutie?' 

'No, not at all' i coughed and sat up a little straighter in an attempt to mimic how she was seated. 'How about this, i ask you a question, then you ask me a question and we go back and forth until one of us runs out of things to ask. Deal?' 

'What if i have more questions after you run out of things to say?' she asked and i frowned. 

'What makes you think i'm going to run out of things to say before you!?' i said defensively. 

'Hey, no need to get mad Cutie' she replied in a calm tone while extending a hand to gently brush a stray hair behind my ear. 'It was just an example' Stupid, annoying, pain in the ass, bloodsucking, Vampire eurgh!

'Okay enough foreplay, let's get down to business shall we' i said assertively and ignored the raised eyebrow she was shooting me at my choice of words. I may have chosen them purposely but that's for me to know and figure out later. 'First question, the girl who owned this house, what was she to you?'

'If you're asking whether she was my thrall, the answer would be no. But if you're asking what kind of relationship we had, it was... complicated' she paused. I like how she would assume i thought the worst of her, i really did just want to know if this friend was special to her, the furthest assumption from my mind was that Phaidra treated her like a slave. Regardless of the power struggle between humans, the domineering species on the planet, and Vampires, the superhuman monsters of the night, the two have always had quite a symbiotic relationship. 

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