Chapter 25

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This is fine, maybe she just wants to use the sink. I mean personal hygiene is a pretty important day to day thing; even the undead need to stay clean and I don't even want to think about what blood must do to their teeth. Yeah, that seems like a perfectly reasonable explanation as to why she's looking at me like that right now. I'm in her way so I should probably just take a deep breath, walk past her and put half a world's distance between us. Besides who doesn't like personal space, I am a huge fan of the concept and I'm sure Lauren is too which is why she's stopped moving toward me. She's totally not just testing me for a reaction, I mean what could she possibly hope would happen; my tail and ears are still out; the next step from that is to shift completely.

Everything is just perfectly wonderful and you're going to get out of this one way or another, you told her you wanted to drop the subject and it's not like there's anything you're hiding or simply refusing to talk about. No, you would never do something like that, you wear your heart on your sleeve, and if you had feelings for Lauren you would know about it. It's not as if you would just deny something like that to yourself over and over despite the things happening around you that completely contradict your argument. Nope anything you feel for Lauren is just platonic and what happened in her bedroom was a total fluke, glitches happen in the real world as much as they do in games right? I'm sure if you found yourself back in that exact situation and it happened all over again things would go differently, you definitely would not have reacted the way you did and you wouldn't be freaking out right now about some simple eye contact that's got you melting into the floor.

And that stupid smirk on her face could mean anything; she's probably not going to do something that has a million thoughts racing through your mind at a thousand miles per hour. Nope, the now slower step she's taking toward you isn't making your heart beat impossibly hard in your chest, and each breath you take isn't like it's your last. She's not standing right behind you, and you're not finding it hard to turn around and ask what the hell she thinks she's doing. You could do it if you really wanted to, but then you'd actually have to tear your eyes away from her reflection and regain control of your body. You're not exactly frozen in place but you couldn't move even if your life depended on it so there's that. You don't want to know what her true intentions her because they both excite you and confuse you at the same time, you knew something like this would happen but you never planned for it to happen outside of your dreams. You were safe inside of your head, anything you did there had no repercussions, and you would just wake up and pretend it didn't happen.

I guess this is what I get for hiding from my feelings.

I finally found the strength to turn around and furrowed my brow sternly at the older girl. I'm done playing whatever game this is.

'What do you want Lauren?' I asked.

'What makes you think I want anything?' she retorted coyly.

'I don't have time for this' I stated and tried moving past her only to be pushed back forcefully against the counter, she placed both of her hands firmly on either side of me; and I was now effectively trapped between her and the marble surface.

'Don't have time for what?' she husked, leaning forward until her lips grazed the shell of my ear. 'Am I doing something Camila?'

'Y-You know you are' I stuttered.

'Describe it to me'

Oh god, describe what? How you're driving me insane right now. It's been a long time since I've felt anything so... incredible. Just her being close to me is clouding my mind, she's not even touching me and I'm losing it. What! No you're not! This isn't affecting you at all, suck it up. No you suck it up and stop pretending you don't want her. I don't want her, it's a Vampire trick, and I'm just under her thrall or something. Are you serious? When are you going to stop making up excuses for yourself and admit that you like- Okay stop, I am literally talking to myself right now. Well you won't talk to anyone else. I talked to Taylor! About everything? No not about everything. See... No I don't see, it's a Werewolf thing, you know as well as I do we feel everything times ten. I'm just reacting to a fundamental need. You fell for a Vampire. Really? That's what you took away from what I just said? Hey, this is your subconscious; maybe you should start listening to it.

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