Chapter 53

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Camila's POV

'We're at war!?' I exclaimed. Dedrick and I were currently standing in a large hall that was surrounded by other small settlements while the girls were getting settled.

Calling this place a camp really didn't do it any kind of justice, it may have started out that way thousands of years ago but today it's a towering fortification that could withstand any form of assault like the great walls of Camelot. Or so i had thought. Apparently something or someone thought they could take us on, and Dedrick actually considered them a threat. 

'Yes we are at war. It's not the first time and it certainly won't be the last' Dedrick explained atop his throne. It was a little much but he was born in a time when kings, queens and nobles were the only people that really mattered so i see where he got his inspiration. 

'But with who?' i asked. The only people we've ever been at war with are the Vampires, and even they aren't dumb enough to come this far into our territory, so that leaves me to ask what other form of intrepid supernatural creature has a grudge against us. 

'They're a renegade pack made up entirely of supernatural creatures, and not just of one kind. There could be hundreds for all we know' he continued and i looked at him with complete and utter disbelief.  

'A pack of supernatural creatures!? That's who you're so afraid of? You have an entire army of Werewolves at your disposal and you're still worried? You have got to be kidding me' i argued. 

'Look at my face, do i look like i'm kidding?' he growled and i flinched. 

'Okay you're not kidding. So what exactly makes them so special?'

'They're all pure breeds, and i'm not talking about the half human, half creature variety. I mean pure blooded beasts, born in the darkest corners of the world'

'You're talking about The Precursors' Another voice carried into the room and i turned to see Ally walking towards us. 'But they were all hunted down and slaughtered hundreds of years ago, we made sure of that' 

'Yes, or at least we thought we did. It seems a few managed to survive' Dedrick sighed. 

'Woah wait what are The Precursors?' i asked looking between the two.

'The Precursors are a horde of truly evil monsters, the original form of every supernatural creature on this planet. It is said they didn't have enough humanity within them to achieve evolution and remained stuck as these twisted, corrupted souls. No more than beasts, yet they have a human conscience. They have no other desire than to destroy everything they touch and take their hate out on a world that left them behind' she explained. 

'So we killed the original Werewolf?' 

'Yes Karla that is correct. The original was no friend to our kind or any other supernatural beings for that matter, it killed without remorse, humans, Werewolves, anything it could get its hands on. So we had to put a stop to it' Dedrick replied. 

'What have you done to try and stop these things?' Ally asked. 

'They're not easy to track down, it's like they're constantly moving and leaving their scent all over the forest; and their tracks just lead us off of mountain sides or into rivers, it's hopeless. I've already lost too many wolves trying to locate where they're hiding' 

'What makes you think there are hundreds? Have you actually seen them?' she questioned and he shook his head. 

'When or rather if a scouting party returns they all describe seeing something different, some have mentioned seeing a tail, horns, wings, glowing eyes, talons, the list goes just goes on and on. I refuse to believe all of those features are from the same creature, it just isn't possible' he replied. 

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