Chapter 55

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No Ones's POV 

'I can't see a thing- AHH what was that!?' Camila squealed and Lauren laughed. 

'That was me' 

'Oh' Camila blushed and was thankful Lauren couldn't see her cheeks. 

'Anyway, aren't wolves supposed to be adept at seeing in the dark?' Lauren asked, her finger trailing along the rocky groves and indentations on the cave walls so she had some idea of where she was going. 

'I could say the same about Vampires' Camila scoffed and allowed her eyes to change to their golden yellow. 

'HOLY SHIT! Camz, warn me when you do that next time' Lauren screamed, having looked over her shoulder only to see two piercing eyes staring back at her.

'Sorry, i still can't see anything. It's almost as if this darkness isn't natural, i can barely even see you and you're standing right next to me... Lauren?' 

Camila stopped moving for a second when her girlfriend went quiet and apparently so did her footsteps. 

'Lauren!?' her voice echoed for miles and the dark haired girl reached her arm out to try and find the Vampire only to hit solid rock instead. 'LAUREN!?' 

She had two choices, stand there and hope that Lauren magically finds her way back to her or keep walking and try and find Lauren on her own. Or y'know she could try walking back the way she came and wait patiently outside the cave for her girlfriend. No, she couldn't do that, she may not be able to see much but if her ears are any indication of how big this cave is given how far the sound of her voice could travel, she would say they had stumbled into a maze of some sorts. All this to find a bunch of herbs that may or may not save a bunch of people and her little sisters life, or they may in fact do nothing and instead make a nice herbal tea. So she walked, letting her sense of sound guide her, she hummed a comforting tune and let it bounce off the walls. 

Every now and then she would feel the temperature drop and a sharp chill shoot up her spine, it made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up and every time she stilled her breathing to listen she swore she could hear a sort of skittering sound. She wasn't sure if it was right behind her or a million miles away and the very thought that someone may be watching her made her blood curdle. She had no way of knowing, and if she can't even figure out if some evil monstrosity is on her tail, then how in the world is she supposed to find Lauren?

'This is pointless, i could be walking in circles for all i know' she sighed and pounded her first loudly against the rock. The strength of her strike created an even louder echo and opened her eyes to another path on the other side of the wall she was leaning against now, and a fork in the road a few feet ahead of her that split off into other caves. 

'This isn't a cave or even a maze, it's a hive' she swallowed as a gust of wound tore through the cave, it was foul and warm, unlike the nice cool air she remembered outside. This was different, and they hadn't entered the cave all that long ago. The darkness, the wind, the cave, Camila didn't like where this was going. 

'I know you're there! I can hear you! I can smell you!' she yelled and for a while there was silence, nothing but dead quiet, unlike the constant rustling she had heard before. Whatever was following her had stopped moving... or it had finally caught up with her. 

'But you can't see me'

A wisp of dirt flickered off the ground not a few feet away from where Camila was standing and it was enough to kick in her fight or flight because just like that she took off in a sprint. The rustling was louder now and whatever it was had given chase leaving Camila to run blindly into god knows what sort of trouble. She managed to keep herself from tripping on the uneven terrain and used the wall to tell her where to go but she could feel the creature close on her heels, she could hear it breathing, almost like it was right on her neck. She had to think fast or it would soon be upon her. 

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