Chapter 63

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Dinah's POV 

My Camren senses are tingling, there's a disturbance in the force and i have this unshakable feeling that my ship is sinking! Fuck, and there's nothing i can do about it until we get our asses back to la la land toot sweet. I am so sick of this running for our lives shit with a guy i'm more and more convinced poisoned some political cat leader just for the fun of it, i'm sick of not being able to kiss my girlfriend without a disapproving scoff from said nitwit, and i am sick of stumbling around in this jungle not knowing if we're any closer to home than we were a day ago. It also doesn't help that i have no idea if Ally is okay or if Camila and Lauren even have the stuff we need to make the medicine, and i have no way of contacting them because apparently they don't have WiFi in the middle of nowhere!

What good is having this technology if we can't use it in areas where we might actually need to call for help? Ain't nobody calling the cops because they took a few wrong turns on their way home from the rec center, we're lost and if we weren't already undead we would probably die out here. The only reason Tyrus is still kicking it is because he sold his soul to the devil or some shit and y'know he cooks and eats all the animals we capture and drain of blood, but for all we know he's messing with something he shouldn't be. 

'What're you thinking about?' Normani asked and suddenly every troubling thought i was having seamlessly slipped away. 

'You, as always' i grinned and she shook her head. 

'Liar' she whispered and captured my lips with her own. 'Now, what are you really thinking about?' 

'You know it's rude to try and read people's minds' i deflected and looked behind her at Tyrus who was setting up a campfire. Everything that guy did annoyed me but i was just happy he was over there minding his own business instead of over here ruining this moment. 

'Hey' Normani spoke up recapturing my attention with two hands stroking my cheeks. 'Talk to me, whatever's bothering you we can fix it' 

'I'm scared' i confessed and looked down only to my have my gaze lifted back off the ground and onto my angelic girlfriend once more. 

'I'm scared too baby. I worry about them every second but we can't give up hope, Lauren's the stubbornest girl i've ever met, besides Camila of course. They're gonna be just fine, and Ally? That girls gonna outlive us all, God knows it' Normani assured me and i sighed. 

'You're right, obviously' 

'Obviously' she beamed and kissed me once more. 

'We need to speed things up, they could be back already and we're stumbling around in the dark. One of us needs to carry Tyrus and then we run for it, no more stops' i said assertively and Normani nodded. 

'I agree, but which one of us is gonna carry him?'she replied looking over her shoulder at the figure perched by his now roaring flame. He can do one thing right at least, i swear if that idiot couldn't make fire without blowing us all up i just might've snapped here and now. 

'Please don't let it be me' i begged and jutted my lip. 

'Mmm, i dunno i'm gonna need some serious persuasion if i'm gonna carry that jerk all the way back to Werewolf country' Mani smirked as she grabbed my hands and pulled me further away from the campsite. 

'Moni, there is a time and a place for everything' i said trying to keep my cool. 

'And i choose this time and this place, so you have a choice, you can help me or i can do this myself' This girl thinks i'm gonna walk away knowing that 0.2 seconds after i'm gone she's gonna have her hand down her pants rubbing herself into a state of bliss knowing full well i can hear every pant and whimper and every movement of her fingers... Now's definitely a good time. 

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