Chapter 23

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'Alright so what's up Camz?' Lauren asked once we were safely inside the room. This whole crazy debacle had gone from hectic to normal so quickly I felt like a lot of the things that were left unsaid needed saying.

'I'm sorry' I blurted out.

'Sorry for what?'

'Yeah you're right that doesn't make any sense. What I mean is that I wanted to apologize' I tried to explain.

'And I'm still unsure what you're trying to apologize for' she said slowly and gestured for us to sit down. I crossed my legs and Lauren mimicked my position as I tried to sum up what it was exactly I was trying to express.

'The days leading up to my change, you know when I attacked you and didn't remember it happening? I erm... well I said some things, harsh things that I probably meant in the moment simply out of frustration but I just wanted you to know that I'm sorry' I rambled and watched her tilt her head to the side slightly.

'Right... but I still don't know why you're apologizing'

'What do you mean?'

'Well we both said some pretty not nice things to each other-'

'Yeah but you were within your right to say them' I interjected and she let out a soft laugh.

'Camila as far as you were concerned you hadn't done anything wrong and I was just the girl who cried Wolf; excuse the pun'

'But I was being stubborn; I should have known that you wouldn't have said all of those things without having a good reason' I tried to protest.

'You felt out of place, your reaction was perfectly justifiable. I would have been the exact same way in your position' she reassured me but I still had my doubts.

'No, the first thing I should have done was apologized and tried to figure out why it happened. Not throw a strop and pick fights with you' I sighed.

'Camz no one in their right mind would just apologize for something they know in their heart they didn't do and then try to prove that person right' she chuckled, leaning down slightly to catch my gaze. 'You've got to let it go. We both said some things that we wish we could take back but what's important is that we move past it, okay?'

'Not until you save you forgive me' I replied adamantly.

'I already told you-'

'Just say it, please. Just say you forgive me' I pleaded after I took hold of one of her hands and held it securely in both of mine.

'Camila, stop there's nothing-'

'If there's nothing to forgive then it shouldn't be hard to say it. Humour me' she eyed me for a moment, her eyes darting between the hand in my grasp and my hopeful gaze before she finally spoke.

'I will but first, I have a question' she stated and I nodded for her to continue. 'Why, of all the reasons you could think up for me to create that story did you think I wanted you gone?'

'I erm... well, I just figured you might have gotten tired of being yelled at all the time for no good reason. I lose my patience a lot and I've snapped at you a few times, I guess I felt like a burden on you' I informed her.

'Camz do you really think I care if you blow your top from time to time?' she mused. 'I'm almost ninety years old; I've been yelled at more times than I count. Taylor flips out more than you do'

'Yeah but you just take it, you never got angry back. Maybe you didn't need the extra negativity in your life' I shrugged and tried to release her hand only for her to hold onto one of my own and lace out fingers together.

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