Chapter 87

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Camila's POV 

So i have a girlfriend, or rather had a girlfriend i suppose. Keana explained everything to me on the way but i'm still trying to wrap my head around it, i mean i don't know this girl and yet supposedly we've been on some wild adventures together and somewhere along the way we fell in love. Doesn't that seem totally crazy to anyone else? I finally get out of that warehouse after 50 years of rotting away and awaken to a family of Vampires, then i fall in love with the 'gorgeous, green eyed, undead girl' (Keana's words not mine) and carry on with life as normal. That sort of thing only happens in novels and fan-fiction doesn't it!? Well i use to think so.  And now we're all on our way to meet up with this girl and the rest of the gang who she was apparently friends with first and actually introduced us which is somewhat surreal to me but there you go. 

It also just occurred to me that i'm the only one who knows the version of events in my head, without Lauren our timeline is all jumbled up in my head. Everyone else remembers Lauren so they don't know how we met and the memories i have of us, someone please just pinch me and wake me up from this psychological nightmare. Let's just hope seeing her will jog my memory a little, the last thing i need is a giant hole in my chest that i can never fill because a bunch of Werewolves gave me amnesia in some outdated ritual and split before i could force them to tell me how to reverse it... eurgh. 

'Will you stop groaning, we're almost there' Keana said turning around to look at me dragging my feet behind her. 

'I wasn't groaning about that, but now that you mention it how far is almost?' i asked but before she could speak Tyrus chimed in. 

'We're about five minutes out, not much further now' 

'Five minutes is foreveeerrrr' i groaned again and heard Keana grit her teeth. 

'Camila shutup'

'Yeah i know five minutes should be nothing to a girl who sat on her ass for fifty years but-'

'Camila zip it!' 

'Look i'm just trying to make conversation-'

'CAMILA FOR THE THIRD TIME, SHUT THE FUCK UP! I'M TRYING TO LISTEN!' Keana roared and stopped Tyrus and I dead in our tracks.  

'Okayyyy, sheesh' i tutted and Tyrus threw his hands in the air.

'And still you talk!' he exclaimed. 

'Hey, you just talked too!' i argued and jabbed my finger into his arm. 

'You did it first!' he stated jabbing me back in retaliation. 

'Jesus fucking Christ' Keana whispered hoarsely to herself. 'Guys!'

'Well you did it second!'

'No one cares about the guy who did it second, just ask every inventor in history!'

'What the fuck do Inventors have to do with you not being able to keep your mouth shut!' 

'I literally just explained to you why they're important, you're missing the point!'

'You mum should have missed the point when you were conceived!'

'Hey! Don't you talk about my mumma' 

'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!' Keana screamed and Tyrus and i turned white with fear. 'WILL YOU SHUT. THE FUCK. U- hey, you hear that?' she said doing a total 180. The three of us stood in absolute silence to listen and Keana was right there was something in the distance, a lot of foot traffic, grunting, punching...

'They're fighting, we have to hurry!' I said bounding off in the direction the sound was coming from. 'Well, don't just stand there, let's show some hustle!'

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