Chapter 39

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Camila's POV

So my first class could have gone a little better, and by a little I mean a lot. By some evil whim of fate I was given the same seat I would have sat in at my old school which didn't help anything, also I'm pretty sure the guy behind me was a Vampire or I was just being paranoid and the eyes piercing into the back of my head was just my imagination.

Okay so maybe it was just me being me, but he had an agenda and that agenda was to suck all the blood out of my body. Anyway, it turns out that supernatural history is a lot different from regular history and guess what we learned? No really guess. Almost! We were actually learning about the earliest Vampire attacks and their steps toward peace as well as the start of the Werewolf rebellion. What are the chances right?

Well let's just say another two slides into that power point presentation and a very graphic picture of a Vampire tearing his victim to shreds and I was out of there. You think I'm kidding? I all but threw my books back into my bag and ran out of that room mumbling something incoherent about needing to go to the bathroom before heading for the exit. This was stupid, so stupid.

As I pushed through the large double doors I was instantly blinded by the sun as it scorched the pavement; now I'm pissed off, anxious and sticky. Awesome. I made my way down the steps and began my walk to the front gate when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

'Jeez finally, I've been calling your name for the past five minutes. Is everything okay?' Hailee asked as I recognized her comforting voice. It was hard to adjust my eyes as the light seemed to shine down from every angle until a large patch of shade appeared overhead thanks to the dark haired girl's wings. 'Better?'

'Yeah, thanks' I sighed gratefully. 'Hey why aren't you in class?'

'Oh my teacher asked me to get something from another room when I saw you practically sprint out of your classroom, you do that a lot huh?' she giggled and I couldn't help but smile.

'Yup, the one time I didn't run from my problems I was locked in a Warehouse for fifty years sooo...' Okay I didn't mean to take it there, but it was true nonetheless.

'Damn that's dark'

'Oh you have no idea' I said getting a little irritable just stood out here where anyone could come out and force me back inside.

'Hey, how about that tour? I doubt you're thinking about going back to class anytime soon and I'm sure Mrs Heartthorn will forgive me for 'accidentally' getting lost' she smirked.

'How long have you been going to this school?' I quipped and she shoved my shoulder.

'Alright smartass, I'll tell her I got side-tracked no biggie'

'Okay but don't come crying to me when your dumbass is sitting in detention with evil scorpion lady' I laughed but was cut short as I was lifted off the ground.

'Snake lady!' She shouted as she flew through the air.

'You're kidding!?' I yelled back.

'Trust me I wish I was'

Lauren's POV

When I get my hands on that girl I swear to god I am going to make her pay for causing me to worry this much. I mean Vampires can't age but I don't wanna test the theory of stress vs wrinkles and grey hair, I swear I can feel them forming as we speak. I have searched every inch of this school, every classroom, every bathroom, and every Janitors closet, hell even the teacher's staff room and they were none too pleased about that.

Normani suggested that the four of us split up to cover more ground but with our speed we all met up again not ten minutes later empty handed. She can't just vanish out of thin air. I know she's not at home because I called Taylor and made her search the house in case Camila was hiding there but she came up empty. When she said that, I couldn't tell if I was relieved that she hadn't given up and stuck it out in school or if I was terrified that she was still in the building somewhere balling her eyes out and scared out of her mind. I need to find her, the sooner the better for me and for her.

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