Chapter 94

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Camila's POV 

"Come on slowpokes, i'm not carrying your lazy asses all the way to the pits, unless of course you want Dedrick to kill me again" I joked which earned me a few understandable glares. I realise my 'death' was far from funny at the time, but i didn't actually die i just put on a really good coma performance that made it look like i had tragically passed away. If anything i should be nominated for a Grammy or something... tsk.

"Camila, there's a time and a place for everything, and right now, as we walk into enemy territory with a huge target on our backs, isn't it" Ally commented. Wow, my first heckler so soon in my comedic career? I must be better than i thought. I'd agree or apologise but there's still the slight issue of 'You never told me your best friend and consequentially my girlfriend at the time, was there the day my ex-girlfriend and the rest of my school were all brutally murdered'. Now i'm not tryna hold a grudge, but i am gonna be a little sour about it from here on out. 

"Funny you should say that Ally, remember when you lied to my face everyday since the moment you met me?" I replied and received a sharp nudge from Phaidra. 

"Where the hell did that come from Cabello?" she chided and i just rolled my eyes. 

"Don't even start with me Phaidra, while you may have attempted to tell me about Lauren and her family's shared secret you never actually managed to deliver did you? Not until i had gotten in so deep that it would have the most devastating impact. Almost like you planned it" I continued. I heard her scoff and in the corner of my eye saw Sofi pull her away slightly so she could take her place; don't ask me why but i was in the mood to throw down. It's been nagging on me ever since we left the camp, we're on foot which might not be helping with my bad mood but for some reason i feel this overwhelming urge to let out all my frustrations. 

"Camz i thought we talked about this?" Lauren stated and placed her hand on my shoulder in a futile attempt to stop me, from moving or spiralling i can't really tell, but either way i wasn't having it. In one swift action i shrugged her hand off of me and kept walking undeterred by their fixed stares collectively stabbing me in the back. 

"Yeah, we talked about it. I just think it's funny how no one else has anything to say on the subject. 'Oh i'm sorry Camila, i wanted to tell you but i was worried about how you might take it' or how about 'Lauren asked us to keep it a secret and while i had my reservations about it i decided not telling you would have been better for everyone'. I suppose what i'm really saying is, everyone seems to have suddenly lost their voices" I said, walking in stride, completely unencumbered while a little unsure if they were even still walking behind me. 

"Cheech, if you don't think that keeping Lauren's secret from you wasn't the hardest thing we've ever had to do then the only kind of dead you are is dead wrong" Dinah spoke up as i looked over my shoulder to see her arms crossed and her brows harden.  

"Ha, that was a good one. You and I should take this act on the road- oh wait!' I exclaimed, gesturing to the trail in front of me. 'We already are!' 

"Sis, I know you're under a lot of pressure, but this is not the time to completely snap" Sofi commented. I know she's right, everything has pretty much been forgiven already and yet, there's this burning anger growing inside of me like somebody's taken a match to an open gas line. This can't have anything to do with being in heat, intense bursts of anger aren't one of the symptoms, at least not one of the important one's...

"Y'know what Sofi, ever since you woke up all you've done is dote on me about what i'm doing wrong, if you have something to say why don't you just come out and say it already huh!?" I exclaimed shoving her shoulders causing her to stumble backwards. 

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