Chapter 44

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Lauren's POV

That voice, it didn't come from Zendaya it came from behind me; but there's no one else here, no one except for... no.

I turned around to see the previously beaten and bloodied Camila standing tall, fangs bared and ferocious silver eyes that I know all too well. I don't know how she did it but somehow Zendaya has managed to pull out the darkest part of Camila's personality and gave it life beyond her continued immortality. She only appeared to be he hurt, but I know that nothing can really hurt this side of her, and apparently Zendaya did too. I should have known that after all that time they spent together Zendaya had poked and prodded around Camila's mind, I should have known that she would use her as more than just a distraction but also a weapon.

I underestimated her and now she has the upper hand, she's had the upper hand all along I was just too blind and enraged to see it. Now I have to fight Camila to save her, what a messed up world we live in.

Although something was different about the girl I see in front of me, the silver wolf I met in the forest never spoke a word but this one spoke as clear as day. Something's off and I have a really bad feeling it's not going to be good when I finally figure it out.

'What's the matter Lauren? You looked surprised' Zendaya taunted and although I knew she was still a good distance away from it felt like she was breathing down my neck. An unsettling chill swarmed throughout my body and my heart sank in my chest, she already thinks she won, and with Camila now in the mix she just might have.

'I should've guessed you wouldn't play fair, succubi never do'

'I don't think it's wise to insult me right now Lauren'

'And I don't really care what you think'

'Zen...' Came that almost childlike demonic voice.

'Yes my sweet?' Zendaya spoke sweetly which made me cringe.

'Are you done talking yet? You promised I would get to kill Lauren' It's not her, Camila would never say these things, she doesn't want me dead, she's not in control of her words or actions. You can't let it get to you, no matter how much you know this side of her really means it. But again with the speech, this hatred toward me is more than just animalistic it's personal. I just don't know what I did to earn her hatred.

'You will Mila, I just want to make sure our prey knows that she's on her last legs' she bellowed.

'How did you do this? What have you done to her?' I demanded.

'Lauren, say hello to the Camila from fifty years ago; the one who could only stand and watch helplessly as your kind invaded her school, killed all of her friends, her pack and her beloved mate. Say hello to the girl, whose anger and frustration consumed her until she was nothing but an empty void. Say hello to the Camila who allowed her hatred for your kind to keep her alive for all of these years, who let the darkness keep her strong when her body was weak. I bet she never told you just how deep her burning desire to see all of your kind wiped from existence truly runs'

So that's what this is, she tuned into every negative emotion Camila has ever felt and channelled that into the silver fox that would otherwise lay dormant. She combined a wild animal with the fury and raw emotion of a girl who suffered an awful traumatic experience. That's a dangerous combination, but at least it's not personal.

'I'm going to stop you Zendaya'

'Oh but don't you see Lauren, it's already OVER' she yelled and took a running charge in my direction as another set of footsteps followed suit. Camila reached me first and took a hard swipe at me with a heavily clawed hand. I ducked down just in time to avoid getting hit but missed Zendaya's strike that sent me tumbling across the ground.

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