Chapter 60

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Camila's POV

'Camila, hey c'mon baby, class is about to start sleepy head' 

Not again. I can't do that again. Please. Don't make me. I already lost her once, that was enough. This isn't even real, why is this happening to me!? What do i have to do to make it stop? I can't save her, she won't listen to me, nothing has changed. I'm still too weak and she's too stubborn, this day plays out like it always has and no amount of struggling will change that. 

'Mila, what's that look for?' Ariana pondered and i met her gaze once more. 

'I was just thinking' i said hoarsely, my throat still dry from all the tears i had spilled just moments ago. 

'About what baby?' she asked and held my hand softly. 

'Do you remember the time we went to the beach and dug an underground tunnel that led straight to the ocean?' i replied and played with her fingers loosely. 

'I remember that tunnel collapsing on you and i spent the next 10 minutes digging you out of it' she laughed and my lips curved into a smile momentarily. 

I don't know why the memory of that day came back to me, it was just another ordinary day. Two girls in love sitting on the beach messing around in the sand and running away from the water as it approached the shoreline. We had no idea just how big and bad the real world was going to be, i had no idea how much i would one day lose and how much i should have treasured that day. That was the last time we went to the beach together alone because she was coming of age, in a few more years she would take over as Alpha for her family so her father insisted she have bodyguards at all times. It all changed after that day, the light faded on our lives and we didn't even know it was happening. 

But one thing that was always constant was Ari and I, she never changed, I never changed, and maybe that's why we got swept up in the calamity we call life. You have to toughen up in a world that's constantly throwing obstacles at you left, right and center. It doesn't matter if you're a big bad wolf or a blood sucking Vampire, everybody has a limit and one day it'll knock your legs out from under you in one fell swoop. 

I had always relied on Ariana, she was my rock, my tether, the one person who was patient enough to stop and listen to me. She cared, my god did she care, so i leaned on her, i grew dependent. I used to blame it on her being my Alpha; they're the person who's supposed to have all the answers, but at the same time i was her Beta. I was the person she was supposed to come to for advice, i was supposed to be her rock too. Even though she was stronger than me and i would never be her equal, she treated me like i was, she treated me the way every girl wants to be treated. So i also blamed her character for making me rely on her so deeply, she made it hard not to. I should have been more prepared for that day, but i was too at ease, my whole world was only a few yards away from me and it made me complacent. 

It only took one look at her lifeless body for me to know it wasn't her fault though, nor was it my own. It was no one's fault really. No one could have prevented it. 

'Hey, where are you right now?' she asked gazing at the far off look on my face. 

'I'm here with you' i mumbled, tears still burning in my eyes. 

'Yes you are, and i will never leave you Camila' she said earnestly. And i knew it was the truth, and i knew she thought it was true too, so i smiled and kissed the back of her hand. 

'I know you won't baby, i know' At least you won't mean to.

But she did, again... and again... and again. I lost her more times than i cared to remember and i held her in my arms so many times that it felt normal to me. For a while my blood boiled and i seethed with anger, i tried so many times to force Ariana to come with me, to get her to leave the school and go anywhere but this god awful place. It eventually got so bad we ended up fighting in our Wolf forms, she won of course, and played it off without a second thought before walking over to that blood stained field. I put my heart and soul into it, told myself that no matter what happened after at least she would still be alive but my body was young and weak where she was strong and well trained. Each time i saw the grass it never went back to it's original green again, it just got darker and darker until it was almost black. The stench filled the air making it almost unbearable but i was the only one who could smell it. 

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