Chapter 69

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Sofi's POV 

When i woke up it was the strangest thing in the entire world, and like for me strange doesn't seem like a word i would use very often given y'know my entire life happened as well as all the strange and inexplicable things in it. But this was like when you wake up from a thirty minute nap but it's been like seven hours and for the first ten seconds you can't remember your own name or where you are. It was like that, plus there was this huge macho guy who i had never seen before just like hovering over me, i would've beat the shit out of him if it wasn't for the startled and extremely relieved look on his face when i opened my eyes. He quickly explained everything to me before i had the time to properly freak out but then i kinda went a bit still which sorta freaked him out. The more he talked the more i remembered hearing my sisters voice in my head, i thought it was all some kind of weird dream. 

How many people can say they lost their entire family, but oh no wait your sister actually didn't die and she presumed you were dead but then she found you and tried to save you but died in the process of trying to save you, like is there a guide somewhere that explains how to deal with that shit? Cos if there is, i probably took it as well as anyone would take it; not well. However, about an hour after i found out all of that and had already begun spiraling myself into a pit of depression and despair, these two girls rushed into my tent and the shorter one of the two accidentally body checked the muscly guy and sent him flying across the room. She walked it off like it was no big deal but the girl next to her didn't look the slightest bit impressed. There was a faint 'I'm okay' and that's when they introduced themselves and explained that Camila was here and they were going to bring her back.

Now i can't lie to you, i was a little skeptical i mean first of all i could smell the Vampire on them from a mile away like i'd smelt it before and second, in all my years (which is like give or take sixty or so) necromancy has never really been a part of the whole supernatural dealeo we got going on here. I mean yes Zombies are a thing, i'm sure that's not the politically correct term but Zombies are born, not made - otherwise we'd all be fucked. So before i start climbing out of my pit of despair i wanted to know just how exactly they were gonna pull this off, and when Normani shrugged her shoulders and Dinah scratched the back of her head i felt less and less convinced by the second. Between you and me i sorta stopped listening when they told me Camila... Camila's body? Whatever, was in the camp that's all i could think about. 

She's here, she's actually here - technically. Look i kind of accepted Camila had died a long time ago which is why i'm handling it in stride, i'll crash like a bad sugar rush in no time, so until i actually see her with my own eyes it doesn't seem real. Before i could dash out on my own another girl came speeding into the room and i recognized her voice instantly - she sat by my bed and read to me, it's all starting to make so much sense now. Anyway, the four of them talked and the girl who introduced herself as Ally reassured me that Camila was in safe hands with a girl named Lauren and that she knew how to save my sister. I was a little more convinced now, even though she too wasn't very specific on the how and after a few more intolerable moments of not seeing my sister i made my way out of the tent to look for her. 

And you know what happened after that, i overheard Dedrick giving his evil guy monologue and stabbed that prick with about a meters worth of cold hard steel. The girl i helped who i presumed to be Lauren blinked at me a couple times before taking my hand and letting me help her up, she looked happy for about a tenth of a second until her gaze snapped back to the brunette on the table. 

No One's POV 

'Sofi- I- she, i'm so sorry about Camila' Lauren stammered and ran a hand through her untidy dark locks, they fell back down pretty much in the same place and did nothing to calm her nerves. She wasn't at all ready to face the grieving sister, much less in the presence of the deceased herself but Sofi had already seen the peaceful body laying behind her and realized she had no idea what to say. Also it was probably the wrong time for this but she couldn't help but stare at the younger girl, she could see the resemblance between her and Camila the second she laid eyes on her that day in camp but now she was awake and moving with those soft brown eyes and that strong jawline it was even more obvious to the Vampire. 

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