Chapter 90

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Camila's POV 

So here we are at last, can you believe all of the stuff we've gone through just to get to this point? Dedrick and finding my sister weren't even part of the plan, Keana was a weird but necessary bump in the road and forgetting about my epic romance? The drop shot that came out of nowhere all so i could become an Alpha to stop a vicious mob that were too lazy to finish a job they started fifty years ago? I couldn't have planned that if i tried. Also, why not just kill me then and there if they're going to be driven to do it later anyway, i mean that's some of the sickest sadistic pleasure denial kinks that i've ever seen. It's creepy to think that they've been running around all this time knowing i was slowly starving and decaying until there was almost nothing left, and in all that time one of them could've paid me a visit whenever they felt like to finish me off. 

Anyway, believe it or not i'm actually trying this new thing where i don't focus on all the messed up shit that's happened to me in the past and instead focus on the present. And right now that present involves some awkward bonding time with the girl i have no memory of but would supposedly lay my life down for at any given moment. I mean there was that one time where i did almost die so, you can understand why i would be curious about her, besides all the obvious um... superficial reasons like how gorgeous her eyes are or how her smile makes my insides melt. The only thing is i don't quite know how to fix something that i don't ever recall breaking, most of what i've said to her is pure guess work based on the small bits of information i've gathered from speaking to everyone else, as well as how much i know myself on a psychological level. Pre amnesia me and post amnesia me can't be all that different, right?

'Hey Camila, bathrooms free' Lauren said as i zoned back into my surroundings. 

'What the hell do you even do in there, it's not like you have to go to the bathroom' i joked. 

'True' she agreed, walking over to her bed and adjusting her pillows. 'But general hygiene is still pretty important' 

'Lauren i'm sorry to have to tell you this but no amount of scrubbing is going to wash away the smell of rotten corpse' i laughed, but stopped when i saw Lauren's eyes light up. 'What? Too far?' I continued but she remained silent. 'Hey look i'm sorry, you smell nothing like a corpse at any level of decomposition' i said walking over to her and stopping a few feet  away. 

'So what do i smell like?' she asked. I have to admit i pondered it a bit, noting how i've picked up on her scent before but never really been able to place it, i got close once but it sounded far too cheesy to say aloud. Although i suppose if there were ever time for brutal honesty, now would be it, no matter how embarrassing. 

'Okay don't laugh but you sorta smell like Vanilla. Vanilla what exactly? I have no idea, Vanilla extract, candles maybe, hell it could be Vanilla ice cream for all i know but that's the first word that came to mind' i explained and saw her eyes gleam once more.  'Okay what the heck is up Jauregui, spill!' i said as i jabbed my finger into her shoulder. 

'It's nothing' she sighed before returning to sorting out her covers. 

'Don't 'it's nothing me', come on, you looked like you just saw a ghost' i argued and she turned back to face me. 

'You just remind me of the old Camila' she shrugged. 

'No shit Sherlock, we're kind of the same person in case you haven't noticed' i said in a semi-serious voice. 

'I know, it just didn't hit me until now just how much of you i got back' I can't imagine what it must have been like for Lauren to have a total stranger turn around and say that their once girlfriend and current love of their life lost all memory of them. If the circumstances had been flipped i'm not sure i would have handled it as well as Lauren did, but then again we do have all that unresolved drama between us. Maybe if we had left things on better terms before i threw a tantrum and walked out it might have been a lot harder when we were reunited.  

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