Chapter 72

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Camila's POV 

Okay does someone wanna tell me what the hell is going on? How did i get back here? What happened to Dedrick? And where is everybody? Kinda rude of them to just dump me here, i mean i guess i was knocked out or something after my fight with Dedrick, but i'm a little disconcerted right now what with all the blood and everything. Also my stomach feels weird as hell... HOLY FUCKING SHIT OH MY GOD, I THINK I'M GONNA PUKE. Okay that explains it, my intestines are now out-testines... get it. Not the time Camila. I rolled my shirt back down and concentrated on healing, luckily it only took a few minutes for the skin to heal over and put everything back into place. So maybe i didn't just get knocked out, i mean by the looks of things, did i die? Maybe that's why they left me here. No, that's ridiculous, i think i would know if i had died i mean c'mon. Death and I danced for years, there would've been a red carpet and rose petals welcoming me to the afterlife. 

I slowly sat up and threw my legs over the side, my stomach twinged and bending it like this was slightly uncomfortable. Sucking in a deep breath i stood up and leaned on the bed for balance. I figured i should go and find everybody, but before i even got to the front of the tent i heard two people speaking just outside. One voice i recognized straight away, i have no idea when Phaidra got here or why she'd even be here at all but i suppose she doesn't really need a reason since she essentially does as she damn well pleases anyway. But the second voice i couldn't quite place, maybe Phaidra brought a friend, or maybe it's her sister since she and her family seem to be pretty close which isn't really surprising after 400 years together. I folded back a section of the tent to see the two figures squabbling, Phaidra's face came into clear view with that ever present cocky smile while the other was turned away from me. 

They seemed to finish their bickering before walking to a tent directly opposite this one, as soon as they disappeared inside i made my way out into the open and began walking in the same direction. I was almost at the entrance when i heard several people talking inside, and then all of a sudden i was flat on my back and a hammering pain shot through my head as it hit the ground beneath me. My eyes were shut tight waiting for the thumping to subside before i opened them again and when i did i couldn't contain my beaming smile. 

'Hey, what's the big idea leaving me in a tent all by myself' i joked and poked at her arm but she didn't breathe a word, just stared down at me like she'd just seen a ghost; her long dark hair cascaded around us and i wondered why she didn't brush it out of her face like she normally would. Something must have really stumped her if she's both immobile and speechless, i just have no idea what it is. 'Hello? Earth to planet green eyes' i said and moved my hand to stroke her cold cheek to see if that would gauge a reaction out of her. I was pleasantly surprised when her eyes closed at the sensation and she nuzzled her cheek against my hand. 'Okay, now you're really starting to worry me Lolo'

'Oh, you're worried!?' she snapped out of nowhere and i flinched slightly. Her piercing green eyes were back on me now and i audibly gulped. I wanted the floor to open up and swallow me whole but no matter how much i sunk into the grass it just wouldn't let me. 

'Yes Lauren, i'm worried, you weren't saying anything' i replied and she stood up pulling me with her. 

'How could you do that to me Camila, how could you just abandon me like that!? We agreed to fight the Precursor together and then suddenly you're running off into the cave leaving Normani, Dinah and I to chase after you' she yelled and i felt a pang of guilt grip my chest. So that's why she's mad at me right now. I guess i did sort of act irrationally, but it's not like anything bad happened so why is she getting all antsy about it?

'I did what i had to do Lauren, no more people were gonna get hurt because of me okay. You said it yourself, if it wasn't for me Ally wouldn't be in danger' I argued logically in return but that seemed to infuriate her even more as she stalked towards me. 

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