Chapter 68

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Lauren's POV 

The love of my life could potentially be gone forever and Ally's looking me dead in the eyes telling me i can save her. If i thought i could save Camila don't you think i would've done it already? Maybe she knows something i don't, but i'm pretty sure once you're dead you're dead; you don't just walk away from that. Unless you're a Vampire of course, which i know beyond reasonable  doubt that Camila is not so i wish she would hurry up and tell me how it is exactly i'm supposed to resurrect a Werewolf from the grave. If Camila were alive right now i bet she would know, she'd find a sofa like the one back home, sit us all down and tell us how to save her. I learned a lot from those little talks we had, of course they didn't seem little at the time since we were having those talks because someones life depended on it, usually ours. 

I used to think of myself as some kind of hero, i mean i do qualify as such; super strength, super speed, immortality. But Camila was the one who actually saved people, she saved herself she saved me, she saved her sister, everything Camila did had a domino effect. Helping people helped her to help more people, and if the world were a lot more like Camila there'd be a hole lotta good in the world. She was smart and kind and determined, nothing could stop her... well at least i thought nothing could stop her. Nothing less than an ancient old evil at the least. 

I swear to god if Ally isn't talking about the literal sense of resurrection i may actually strangle her to death after fighting to save her ass. If i find out she's talking about saving her soul or keeping her memory alive i may actually lose it more than i already am. Ally's awake which can only mean one thing, so is Sofi, she's probably sitting back at camp wondering why a strange man she's never seen before is sitting at her bedside mixing herbs meant to heal her. I just hope she doesn't hurt the poor guy, from what Normani and Dinah told me he's had it rough enough with those two. And with Dedrick gone lord knows what all those Werewolves are gonna do now, i don't know much about pack hierarchy but the Beta will most likely take over or the pack will disband and find another Alpha to follow.

My biggest worry of all though is that Dedricks on his way there right now to pick up his recruits and take off, in which case we could be in a race against time here. Now i'm no scientist or anything but i've gotta guess that what Ally is proposing isn't gonna be as simple as waving a magic stick, so we'd better get on with it. 

'Ally, i don't mean to be rude but i am very emotional right now so i'm going to need you to get straight to the point' i said urgently and she nodded her head. 

'And i will, i promise, but right now we need to get Camila back to Tyrus as fast as Vampirically possible, she doesn't have a lot of time left and if we're gonna do this we need all the time we can get' she replied and pulled Normani and Dinah to their feet. 

'Jeez Ally, you almost pulled my arm out of it's socket' the Polynesian groaned and Ally just scoffed.

'That's what you get for knocking my head against the side of the cave wall when you were running' 

'Wait, you felt that?' Normani questioned and the shorter girl nodded. 

'I could also hear everything the two of you were saying, and if i could hear all of that then Sofi knows Camila is alive, so i would appreciate it if you two would stop complaining and start moving' she sighed and turned to face me. 'Lauren, i'll carry her if it's too much for you' 

I didn't even have to say anything and she knew what i was thinking, that's when you know your best friend is a keeper, or that the two of you have simply known each other way too long and don't get out much. I mulled over her offer for a while but decided against it, Camila and i have carried the weight of each others problems from the moment we met, it seems kinda poetic now to literally carry her weight. Also, if this doesn't go to plan, at least i got to hold her for as long as possible before we... before we have to... let's just do this. I walked over to Camila's body and gently scooped her up in my arms, i could hardly bare to look at her at first but every now and then i cast a quick glance to see her calm features. Only Camila could make death look this beautiful. I don't know what higher powers are out there but i hope they're taking good care of her, and they better not get too attached, until informed otherwise Camila is mine. 

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