Chapter 7

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Apparently I had fallen asleep on the sofa and when I awoke I found myself back in bed. Sun light was pouring through the window so I had only been asleep for a few hours and when I looked down I saw a plate of pancakes and beside it a cup of coffee. I had always wondered why a house full of Vampires would have food since they don't eat, but I'm extremely grateful either way and need to give my compliments and thanks to the chef. I picked up the tray they were neatly placed on top of and put it on my lap before scarfing down the whole lot, coffee included. I had no idea how well walking would go without Lauren but I was determined to at least try, so without any further ado I swung my legs over the side of the bed in one quick motion and took each of the two handles on the tray in my hands before pushing myself up. My balance was a little off at first, but regardless, I was up now I just had to take the first daring step. Thankfully the bedroom door was open, I just had to walk out of it, go down the hallway, make a left and put down the tray all without eating the pavement. It shouldn't be too hard.

I favoured my uninjured leg as I hobbled, I was afraid my firm grip on the tray would snap it in half or something but I was doing okay and didn't want to mess it up now. I had made it halfway down the hallway when I had to lean on the wall to rest briefly, where in the hell has all of my energy gone. My human form is so weak, it's infuriating. Quarter of the way there, I can do this. I hobbled once more until the kitchen was in my sights and was getting slightly light headed once I had reached the doorway. I couldn't hear anyone in the house so I was probably alone and calling for Lauren or even Taylor probably would have been pointless anyway. My hopes were at their highest when I reached the island; unfortunately that wasn't really a good thing. I really pushed my luck this time and ended up stumbling over myself, but not before slamming the tray onto the granite surface and landing on the floor. Sure, I may have fallen, but I did what I set out to do. I returned the tray to the kitchen all by myself; I'd say that was a win. I lifted myself off the ground to a sitting position and leant my back against the cupboards. Now I just had to make my way back to my room.

However before I could even comprehend doing the impossible, the five Jauregui's practically burst into the room all with a shared puzzled expression.

'Camila what the hell are you doing!?' Lauren scolded and knelt down beside me.

'Sitting' I jested but none of them looked amused.

'Camila' she said sternly.

'I wanted to bring the tray back, and I did it' I explained triumphantly and pointed to the tray sitting on the side.

'Sweetie, you didn't have to do that. You could have seriously hurt yourself' Clara said sincerely.

'I'm a determined, strong headed individual. It was bound to happen sooner or later' I continued to joke, but Lauren still had a hardened look on her face and scooped me up in her arms.

'Camila, I know you don't like people helping you but you're just going to have to accept that you need help. You can call for us whenever you need our help, for even the smallest of things. You may not be able to see your injuries for what they are but you didn't see you the day we brought you here. I saw more than enough and I'll never forget it, so you need to let yourself heal and you can't do that if you keep trying to do things on your own okay' Lauren disclosed as she placed me back down on my bed.

'Okay' I said quietly, looking down at my hands. She was right, annoyingly right and I didn't want to admit that, but it would be stupid not to. I just, I already owe them so much, I thought I could take it from here, that I wouldn't need their help anymore but obviously I was wrong. I still considered it a victory, a step closer to my recovery, but if I want to stop inching toward my goal and start making tracks I should probably listen to people's advice. I just can't stand being fragile, a human could probably kill me right now if they wanted to without any trouble and that didn't sit well with me. I had always been tough, picking fights and winning most of them but now I could barely walk without falling on my face and everything hurts. I'm a ghost of my former self; it's ironic considering that fact that I should have died in that room by the laws of human biology. But then again I'm not human and everyone knows scientology and the super natural have never really been good friends.

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