Chapter 36

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Lauren's POV

Pack your bags kiddies, we're going to – now say it with me – HELL. Okay so maybe it's not going to be as bad as all that, I mean I get to see my friends again and go to Art class and Music and Gym. Oh man Gym is the best, a bunch of hyped up Supernatural beings raring to prove whose species is the best in a battle of epic proportions aka Dodgeball motherfucker! And Camila is going to have her mind blown, a lot more has happened in the time she's been away than we've revealed; we figured such things needed to be seen to be believed in.

I mean some of them are extremely dangerous, like need to be locked up forever and never to see the light of day or at least wear a sign that says 'Look but don't touch and run if within fifty feet'. That's me saying that, if I an immortal being see something as a threat you better start praying for your life. But some of them are actually really cool and should be on very humans bucket list to meet at least once in their lifetime – don't worry you'll see what I mean.

'Camz are you ready to go, we're gonna be late' I yelled from the front door into the seemingly empty house. I swear it was dead silent. Also, about the whole Camila situation I have a plan. It's a very touch and go, not so easy breeze, very vague plan, but basically I'm going to get her alone and talk to her. Genius I know, but we never really got to talk after what happened between us mostly because I was too heartbroken to formulate the words you need for communication. I just feel like, if she lets me explain then it'll somehow fix everything and I can go back to holding her in my arms.

She knows my past and accepts me despite it and I know hers and respect her for it, I like her and she likes me, I just want her to be happy and she's happy whenever I'm happy so really we just need to be together. Logic. I know it hasn't been that long but I honestly can't remember a time before Camila, worrying about her, thinking about her, fighting with her and helping her. We stumbled into her world and she changed mine for the better, my second chance, my love at first sight, the Werewolf to my...Vampire? Whatever. The point is, there is something there, that I think has always been there and I'm not ready to let it go without at least giving it a real shot. I just need to know if she's willing to try with me.

'You're a Vampire who can run at the speed of light. I'm pretty sure it's impossible for us to be late' she replied appearing from behind the stair case while wrapping a scarf around her neck.

'Erm Camila, you're a Werewolf' I stated and rested my hand on my hip.

'Shut up, for real? Oh my god, what am I gonna do!' she wailed and threw her hands up in the air dramatically.

'You know what I mean' I sighed.

'I know I don't feel the cold Lauren, I just wanna look the part' she explained and grabbed her backpack off the sofa.

'Well look the part and hurry up cos times a wastin' I said tapping on my watch for good measure.

'Yeah, yeah, yeah keep it in your pants I'm coming...' she paused and cleared her throat. I was smirking heavily at this point but she refused to look at me after that. 'You know what I mean!' she huffed.

'Yeah you got it, you don't need my help. You're coming' I teased and was almost body checked out of the way.

'Zip it Jauregui, you're making us late' she retorted and jumped into the car.

'Oh so now it's my fault'

'Stop stalling and drive already' she instructed but I wasn't done playing yet.

'Look at all that snow' I thought aloud.


'It's looks a little chilly' I continued.

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