Chapter 73

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Camila's POV

So i might be a little pissed and agitated right now but that doesn't mean i can't still find it in me to become an alpha, i do kind of it owe it myself, i mean it's the thing Betas work their entire life to be ready for; to take on the responsibilities of being an Alpha and protect their pack. I had more than proven myself to be ready i just needed someone to officiate it and with Dedrick out of the picture i didn't know what way to turn. I knew of other Alphas but i couldn't be sure whether they were still around, or if they would even help me. The closest Alpha in this region was a woman named Keana, I had only met her once or twice but i can clearly recall the powerful aura that flowed out of her. She was my best bet so without a second thought i made my way to where her camp was last located praying that by some miracle she stills hangs around there. If not, i was going to have to get creative. 

As i made my way there i tried and failed to push back everything Lauren and Sofi had said to me back in Werewolf country. They actually think i'm suicidal, as if i haven't been fighting for my life the day i was freed from my imprisonment, as if i didn't take all the pieces that were broken and put them back together. It's not my fault if none of them seem to fit after being left to rot for so long, i did my best okay, what more do they want from me? I kept trying, i kept fighting, i did it all for them, and yet it's somehow not enough, somehow i'm the bad guy. Even when i'm trying to take responsibility for my actions i'm somehow doing something wrong. Well, it's enough, i'm tired of it. If they don't want me to be sorry anymore then i won't, i'll do whatever i want with reckless abandonment and if they don't like it well that's not my problem. It's my life, not theirs. 

Also if Lauren was as heartbroken as she claimed to be then why the hell did she spend the first few minutes of seeing me not dead screaming at me. I get that she was mad, but would it have killed her to be just the slightest bit happy that i'm okay... bad choice of words. Also, that was the first time i had actually gotten to speak to my sister and what does she do? Is she overcome with glee, joy or relief? No, she yells at me. What is it with people these days, at least tell me you're glad to see me before you start tearing me a new one. I had just woken up with almost no recollection of what had happened to me yet they expected me to grasp the gravity of their situation just like that. I woke up with my organs on the outside of my body okay!! I was fairly out of sorts but Lauren just pulls out the pile driver and starts beating the shit out of me regardless. Sorry i'm not a bleeding heart to your situation babe, but i lost most of my blood trying to save your life. Not that you care. 

God the more i think about it, the more i just wanna go back there and give them another piece of my mind. I have way better comebacks now than i did 3 hours ago, dammit. The faster i get to Keana's the better i'll be, around like minded, hard headed Werewolves that always put others before themselves. It's called loyalty, something they don't seem to understand. I at least expected Sofi to be a little understanding, she would have done anything for mum and I, the little hypocrite. When i'm ready to forgive her attitudinal ass remind me to give her a lecture or two, and remind her who the big sister is here. That entire show was almost embarrassing, getting called out by a Vampire and a child - well she's still a child to me. Speaking of Vampires, Lauren didn't even bother to clarify what we are to each other, by staying silent she all but confirmed we were over to whatever degree. Which is just great by the way, one less person to save and stop worrying about me. I'm fine. I'm just fucking dandy. 

Am i there yet? I'm tired of having the same argument running through my head over and over again. Let's just do this thing. 

It took me 4 hours to get to Keana's place, or what used to be her place, what was once just an empty field was now filled with houses and shops. Of course she would've moved, not far since this is her territory but far enough. Guess i'll just have to ask around. I shifted back into my human form and made my way into the first building i came across which just happened to be a bar, no doubt still the best place in a hundred years to get information when you need it. I walked up to the bar and sat on a stool, the place wasn't exactly bustling but it wasn't empty either so the second i sat down the bartender acknowledged me. 

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