Chapter 67

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No One's POV 

They say in the moments before you die you see your entire life flash before your eyes, every thing you've ever done, ever said and ever saw right there like watching a movie of your life except everything is compressed into a few seconds. It's kind of scary seeing everything you've ever done made to seem so small and insignificant, then only to watch it slip through your fingers and fade from existence almost like it never happened. The one blessing it grants you for all your hard work and effort is to see the smiling faces of all the people you hold close to your heart for the last time. Those people are the ones wishing they could have one last moment with you but death only grants it's newest victim this one favor, everyone else is forced to carry that regret with them for the rest of their lives. 

If Lauren had known that Camila was going to die she would have left Normani and Dinah to take on the Precursor, she would have rushed to Camila's side even if she knew she couldn't save her, just for a final glimpse of the girl she loved. That one moment would have meant more to her than the entirety of every moment she's had until that day. But she didn't know Camila was going to die, she didn't know how important that last moment would've been to her, she didn't know how precious the minutes she had fighting the Precursor were because in that time she still had peace of mind that Camila was alive and well. If Normani and Dinah had known Camila was going to die they would have run faster, they would have taken their fight with the Precursor more seriously or if they could they would never have let Camila go off on her own. 

But they didn't because they didn't know they needed to. Not knowing is the one thing that kills you before you even know it's happening. Bad news travels from person to person and until that news reaches you you're untouchable, but the second it does you crumble into nothing. It's like the younger sibling you wish Karma never had. 

Lauren believed this was her Karma. For a moment, one moment a few days before they left for Wolf Country Lauren imagined what her life would be like without Camila in it. She wondered whether it would go on as it always had, mundanely, day by day, surrounded by her family and occasionally her friends when she deigned to go to school. Her old life wasn't bad and she wasn't threatened on a daily basis which was nice. Lauren thinks Camila was killed because for this brief moment she wished for the days where she wasn't someone's girlfriend, hero or companion, she was just Lauren. She neglects to remember that right after that fleeting thought Camila stumbled into her room and almost fell on top of her, Lauren managed to catch her before an unfortunate cliche moment occurred but Camila still apologized profusely and Lauren had to stop her with kisses.  

That was one of the moments that lost all significance to Lauren as her world was turned upside down. All she could see was dark when before there was almost too much light. She wished she had never complained about the sunshine where now all there is is rain. 


No One's POV

'Mani, is that... is that Camila Mani.. I... please tell me that's not her. She's not... she's not moving Mani, she's not moving' Dinah stammered once the two of them walked into the large room. Dedrick was nowhere to be seen, just pools of blood littering the room all smelling strongly of their best friend. The second Dinah saw the tiny figure laying on the ground she froze in place, her legs wouldn't move, they felt heavy like she would collapse under the weight of what she was seeing if she even tried. 

'I... I don't know... I don't- I don't... Jesus Christ Dinah I... oh god... no, she can't be dead, she just can't, we have to... we have to check, c'mon we need to check her pulse' Normani said in a panic and grabbed fist fulls of her hair. 

'Mani... i don't hear a heartbeat' Dinah quivered and looked up at her girlfriend who's eyes were glued to their dead friend. 'I don't hear anything... no breath intake... i can't even hear the blood moving around her body... she's- her hearts not beating'

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