Chapter 89

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Lauren's POV 

So Camila's back, Keana's sticking around, Phaidra doesn't seem to be leaving anytime soon, Dedricks out there somewhere causing manic and mayhem, the blood moon is right around the corner, Taylor won't stop blowing up my phone... I am about this close to just freaking the fuck out. Watch me break down right in the middle of something and flat out scream my head off until someone with a set of balls steps up and slaps me out of it. I swear on the very ground i walk on i will actually lose it if we don't start ticking off some of these problems because these problems, if you didn't get it the first five times, are really ticking me off! You're probably wondering 'Lauren, why're you so stressed out? Camila's back which means the two of you can work out your shit. Keana is an Alpha Werewolf which means she'll be a big help later on. Sofi's got Phaidra plenty distracted. The last time you saw Dedrick he had a metal pole sticking out of his jugular. We've got an entire army of Werewolves ready to whoop Vampiric ass if any of those assholes show up early. AND well Taylor's Taylor, what're you gonna do?'

Lemme tell you somethin. Where, between fucking up Dedrick and killing a bunch of Vampires, are Camila and I going to have time to reconcile? Also i don't know Keana from a dollar bill i found on the sidewalk okay, i don't know where she's been, what she wants or who might be missing her. Don't get me started on Sofaidra or whatever the fuck, those two haven't stopped making eyes at each other all day! Dedrick is a tool, and i hope he chokes to death long before we have to deal with him, and Werewolves are Werewolves. No hate, but i'd feel safer at home surrounded by an army of butterflies than these unpredictable furry felines. As for Taylor, well i can't argue with you there. I'm sorry if it seems like i'm a little tense, if it does it's because i am, and i am because this is all one big complicated mess and I have to figure out a way to untangle it all while keeping everybody happy and alive.  

And as you all well know, my track record for keeping people alive isn't the greatest. It was only one person, one time, and technically Camila didn't actually die but still. 

'Hey Lauren, you in here?'

'Over here' i sighed, rubbing my temples even though it's literally impossible for me to get a headache. 

'Woah, what the hell's wrong with you?' Sofi mock gasped. 'You look like shit'

'Gee thanks'

'I'm only messing with you Jauregui, you know you're hot as fuck even on a bad day. Now, why don't you tell old Sof what's on your mind?' she said sitting down next to me. 

'I have a better idea, why don't you tell me what you came in here for so i can get back to sulking?' i suggested and she nodded her head. 

'Okay fine, don't tell me, but you know leading Psychologists say that keeping all of your feelings bottled up inside is bad for your health' she rebutted. 


'It's your funeral' she tutted. 'I just wanted to let you know we got a lead on Dedrick, a couple of Werewolves spotted him trying to recruit some of the low level renegade grunts down at the pits'

'The pits? What's that, some kind of Werewolf fight club?' i asked. 

'Ten points for the Vampire' Sofi clapped. 'It's where Werewolves without a pack go to make a name for the themselves. When all you've got is your name, you want a bad ass rep to go with it'

'So he's building an army' i surmised. Great, that's the last thing we need. 

'Looks like. He won't stick around there long so we've got a Wolf on the inside keeping tabs on him, super cool chick, goes by the name of Hayley' Sofi explained. 

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