Chapter 61

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Camila's POV 

With Lauren's hand in my own making sure we kept each other in stride since one slip up would definitely prove to be deadly; we made our way through the cave with what i assumed to be a Precursor on our heels. I mean i'm still relatively new to the whole 'there are lot's of supernatural creatures on this planet besides us' but the whole giant walking Fox thing really gave it away. And of course Lauren, my useless lesbian vampire, would stumble onto a centuries old ancient evil and severely piss it off. But in all honesty i'm just glad she's here, glad she's the one holding my hand right now and her fierce green eyes struck the memory of coffee brown one's right out of my head. Also dying at the hands of some fox spirit is way better than watching my ex die over and over again, so i can't really complain. 

I can't deny a small part of me wished Lauren had found me sooner, and i feel undeniably guilty about what transpired between Ariana and I even if it wasn't technically real. When i tell Lauren; given that we survive this encounter first, i need her to know that i did what i did not because she will always be second to Ariana but because i can finally put her first without comparing her to a love that has long since passed. I just hope she can forgive me. 

'Camila, hey, you still with me?' Lauren asked as she pulled the two of us to the right and out of the way of falling debris.

'Yea, i'm still with you' i panted and looked back at the orange fur ball who had another boulder in it's hands. 'Do you have a plan to deal with that?' 

'I got away from it once, but i didn't really think this far ahead' she replied. 

'Well, how did you get away from it last time?' Lauren went silent. 

'Erm, it's a long story and i'll tell you all about it later but right now don't stop running' 

Lauren's POV 

There's no way in hell i'm going to be able to explain what happened to Camila, it was a logical move on my end and i didn't enjoy what i was doing for even a second but all she's going to hear is that i messed around with some other girl that made herself look like Camila. And i'll be damned if i die right here after everything i just went through to find to her and get us both the hell out of dodge. Life is never gonna be simple for the two of us, i guess that comes with territory of being supernatural; a bunch of super inconvenient stuff is going to happen to you whether you want it to or not. I've also been thinking about what Camila was doing while i was being held against my will, i mean after i made my escape there she was, just standing there looking relatively well and unharmed but i know better to think any of Camila's wounds aren't somewhere beneath the surface. 

Remind me to ask her about her day after we get out of here. And remind me not to wander into dark unsuspecting caves the next time i feel like doing something stupid, even though i'm a big badass Vampire there are still things in this world that can hurt me. Camila is at the top of the list because she's the closest thing to my heart besides the girls and my family, and the monsters of this world know the only way to get to me is to hurt one of them. Even Phaidra figured that much out the first time she met Camila, by divulging my biggest secret to her she knew it would do the most damage. 

I'm just grateful Camila took most of that day in stride. Ignoring the fact i had to hit her over the head with a lamp and tie her to a chair, whether she really accepted my reasons or not, she still listened and didn't bite our heads off after. 

'I'm not gonna like this story am i?' Camila asked with a questionable tone. 

'No you're not. Can we discuss this later when we're not running for our lives' i asked and she nodded her head. I felt her grip on my hand tighten slightly and she smiled at me even if it didn't really reach her eyes. We were gonna be okay. I hoped.  

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