Chapter 91

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Camila's POV 

'The nerve, the fucking balls on you Jauregui. I mean talk about playing the long game, you had me fooled right from the get go. Jesus, i bet you feel pretty damn good about yourself right now don't you? Watching, waiting, pretending to find me like you had no idea where i was, you should take that show on the road, you'd really make a killing ' I ranted while Lauren just stood there, mute and motionless, i had yet to let her speak but to be quite frank i think i've just about had enough of hearing the lies and deceit that come out of her mouth. I don't even remember all the talks we've had and the things she's told me, but if what Tyrus and Phaidra said proves anything it's that every word was hollow to the core. And what did i really expect from a corpse, dead through and through, the last place you would expect compassion and empathy. I know it's a little crude of me to shame and blame an entire race for the actions of one person, but right now i don't have the time or patience to care if i may have offended Ally and the others. 

Not one of them had the guts to tell me. I may have known Lauren longer than her friends but that doesn't excuse their silence, if i was really their friend then they would have vampired the hell up and told me. Phaidra tried to tell me but instead of coming right out and saying it she just left a vague clue and never made sure that i got the message and now it's far too little too late. Who knows how i would have reacted had Lauren told me the day she brought me to her home, even a week or so after, i wouldn't be so ignorant as to say that i would have handled it well but it would have been better than leaving it till the last minute. Our relationship may have been different, or maybe we wouldn't have had one at all and i would have left like i originally planned, who's to say what would have happened if i knew all of this at the start. But it would have been better regardless. Even if we weren't friends, or lovers, even if i never saw the Jauregui's ever again i had the right to know. 

But then... i might have never found Sofi. Or if by some small chance i wandered back into Werewolf country of my own accord and found her there's no saying whether or not i would have been able to save her on my own. In fact, given how everything went down, had i not have met Lauren and the girls then i'd probably be in the same coma induced state as Sofi, and the Precursor would have taken full control. You ever wish you had the power of pre-cognition? I sure as hell do, all the freakin time. 

'So, is it my turn to speak now or would you like to yell some more?' Lauren asked and i wanted to snap her neck the second she spoke, that tone of voice certainly isn't helping either. Where the hell does she get off acting all high and mighty or lest she forget she's the reason i'm in this mess in the first place. 

'Fuck you Lauren!' i snapped, pointing my finger at her. 'Fuck. You. I suggest you drop the attitude before i completely lose my temper. I don't know where the hell you find the gall to talk to me like that after everything you've done!' 

'My apologies. But you never answered my question' she said calmly and i flexed my clawed fist. 

'Speak' I said pacing a few feet in front of her, my brow fixed into a hardened position and my anger rising every second. 

'I was there the day you were imprisoned, and the day Ariana was murdered-'

'Yeah, no shit Sherlock! That's why we're having this conversation in the first fucking place, why don't you skip ahead to the part where you beg for mercy!' I snarled. 

'Because i don't plan on dying today, and while i am not guilty, i am also not guiltless' she continued. 

'That's fucking rich, you admitted to being there, what on Earth could vindicate you from guilt!?' 

'I did not murder your girlfriend, nor did i touch a hair on any of your classmates heads. I may have been there Camila, but i didn't kill anyone' she stated and as my anger grew so did my doubt. I barely remember seeing Lauren there at all, through an unclear vision given to me by a bunch of Witches, she knows i wouldn't be able to recall whether or not i saw her participating in the massacre. For all i know this is just more lies to free herself from guilt as well as my judgement. 

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