Chapter 48

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Camila's POV

'You guys do know that you don't need to come, right?' I asked, looking back at the three beaming faces sat in the backseat of Lauren's car. I had fought right down to the very last second to try and get them to stay here but no amount of arguing would dissuade these stubborn Vampires. I thought maybe I could appeal to Ally's better nature, albeit by trying to scare her a little, but apparently making sure Lauren and I get home safe and sound is her highest priority.

These Vampires really have no regard for their own lives do they? I mean they do get that they could die, like actually die, deader than mum jeans. Well fine, that's their prerogative... oh who am I kidding; now I'm going to have to watch their asses and make sure they don't get killed too.

'So we've been told. Just give it up Mila, we're coming and we're gonna make sure that the two of you get through this in one piece' Dinah argued.

'And who's gonna make sure you guys don't bite it before then... excuse the pun' I chuckled.

'We can handle ourselves, we're hundreds of years old' Normani explained.

'You're older than Lauren?' I said turning to face the not so older girl. She turned to look at me and stuck her tongue out before looking into her rear-view mirror at the girls.

'I'm the second oldest in terms of actual age, Ally's the oldest. But yes technically, they've been Vampires a lot longer than I have'

'Aww you're just an ickle baby Vampire' I cooed and poked at her cheek. She quickly snapped her head to the side when my finger made contact with her cheek and trapped my finger between her teeth. 'Ow!' I yelped.

'I thought you liked Vampire bites' she smirked and I felt my cheeks heat up.

'Oh ha ha, that's hardly the same thing'

'Wait, Camila you actually let Lauren bite you!?' Ally exclaimed and leaned forward in her seat.

'Ooooh so how was it?' Dinah squealed excitedly.

'I don't have to answer-'

'She said I could bite her whenever I wanted' Lauren interrupted and I narrowed my eyes at her.

'So it was that good huh Mila?' Normani teased and I slumped in my seat. Stupid Vampires teaming up against me, we'll see how they like it when they're surrounded by nothing but Werewolves for a few weeks – if we even live that long.

'You'll find out just how good when Dinah bites you' I retorted and watched the two squirm around uncomfortably.

'W-What? Why would I do that?' Dinah stuttered, and looked at Normani for a moment before diverting her eyes outside the window.

'Oh no reason' I laughed softly and Lauren nudged my knee. 'What?' I mouthed.

'You're so cruel' she mouthed back and I winked.

The rest of the car ride was spent with me giving Lauren directions and us getting lost a number of times because I have never seen so many goddamn roads and signs, and it all looks so different. And when we weren't getting distracted or stopping for lunch it was mostly filled with idle chit chat and Lauren and I going against Normani and Dinah in several teasing matches. Then when I got bored of always losing because while I was cruel I wasn't cruel enough to point out the obvious attraction between the two, I asked Ally about her life. Since she was the oldest I couldn't imagine how much she must've done in the 450 years she's spent being a Vampire.

When we got back in the car, Normani offered to drive and of course Dinah took shotgun so I could hear more of Ally's story. Everyone had things to chip in and she told me how she met Dinah and Normani who had been friends forever it seemed, when she met the pair they had been Vampires for about 30 years while she was working on her 250th. And when the three of them had met Lauren she had only been a Vampire for 2 years and by that point Dinah and Normani were 160 while Ally was 390. All these numbers were frying my brain but I roughly got the idea that they've been friends with Lauren for about 60 years which is ten years longer than my imprisonment.

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