Chapter 6

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Lauren walked me back to my room that night and sat with me until I fell asleep. She hardly said a word from the moment I laid down, only offering a small 'goodnight' when she thought that I had drifted off to sleep. A part of me really didn't want to because I knew what would happen if I did, but I also wanted to talk to Lauren. She seemed really down after I told her what happened to me, she looked angry on the outside but I could tell there was some sadness underneath all of that aggression. I would know since I always used my anger to cover up just about everything, and as a Werewolf there's no lack of it. As for the rest of the story, after getting the reaction that I did, I don't think it's fair on them to hear it. Especially Lauren, she seemed so distraught, I'm afraid telling her any more could only make matters worse. I could buy my time and leave without telling them anything, but it's something I've never been able to discuss with anyone for 50 years and it felt really good talking to the Jauregui's about it today. They listened, and I haven't been heard in so long.

The thought of being trapped in that room makes me sick to my stomach, a feeling I'm afraid will never really settle. I'm in shock after a traumatic – is there a fancy word for a fifty year time span? Whatever, either way it's something I'm going to have to come to terms with eventually and I'm afraid that's not going to be an easy feat. One day at a time, no matter how many days that may be.

When I finally did drift off to sleep and braved through my usual nightmares I awoke to Lauren at my side once more. Well kind of, she was in the room but her mind seemed elsewhere, she was stood at the window looking out at the forest; her hands fastened together and a thoughtful expression planted on her features. I sat up quietly so as not to disturb her from whatever had her so enthralled or captivated might even be a better word for it. Although what appeared to be an easy task at first proved to be very difficult since every inch of me ached and one wrong move released a painful surge throughout my body. Lauren instantly perked up and looked over at me; her previous hard features had now softened and produced a smile. She really was very beautiful, that's just a fact, and I could pretend she didn't fascinate me until the dawn of time but I would just be lying to myself. I suppose there's no harm in admitting I've never met someone quite so mesmerizing in my whole life. Granted I only had a life up until I was eighteen but still. And there are how many days in a year? I've met a lot of people but she stands out. A lot like Ariana. Oh god here I am gawking over some Vampire when I have a girlfriend... had – had a girlfriend. Ariana was beautiful, undeniably so and kind, and warm, and compassionate. She always knew how to make me smile, even on the worst of days, even when my dad passed away. I was so distant and angry when that happened, I thought she would leave me, but she stayed by my side – right until the bitter end. Ariana was a Werewolf too, she was strong and capable and the person I looked up to the most, she inspired me to be better.

I had always been an angry child, the wolf inside of me was very spirited and it took a lot of training for a Werewolf to learn how to control their temper. And where most of my kind just got angry like a normal human being, I on the other hand would bare my fangs and claws like it was my job. If our existence in the human world wasn't already very well-known I would have ruined our secret long ago. My mother always told me it wasn't my fault; I was just closer to my wolf side than most people and I guess it made sense considering both of my parents were Werewolves. So unlike most others of my kind I was born a Werewolf rather than turned into one like my Mother. Anyway, Ariana was the only one who made me feel normal. When all I saw was flaws, she saw perfection and constantly berated me whenever I berated myself.

She told me 'Why beat yourself up when the rest of the world will do that for you?' and at first it wasn't very comforting but when I realized what she meant was 'Others will always criticise but you don't have to help them do it' I started to accept who I was. She didn't care that my ears popped out whenever I got excited or that my tail would randomly appear whenever I got shy and nervous and sway from side to side. She loved me for who I was and I couldn't have asked for anyone better. I was so lucky to have her in my life; it wasn't fair that I lost her the way that I did. I should have done more, acted faster, been stronger, swallowed my fear and fought harder... I should've... I should've been the one who died. I had a bad feeling that day, and she died because I ignored it, I may as well have been the one who killed her. She's dead because of me.

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