Chapter 8

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The following day I woke up alone; as far as I could tell the cabin was empty, not a sound to be heard with the exception of the trees rustling outside. I sat up and saw that my breakfast was there like always waiting for me to devour it which I did hastily and placed the tray back down on the coffee table. I really had to pee and take a shower, plus a change of clothes was becoming painfully necessary and was about to get up when I remembered what Lauren had said before. I didn't want to fall and incur her 'wrath' or worse, hear an 'I told you so'. So instead I stood up by the window and tried to listen for any movement in the forest but all I got was more trees, the occasional deer and two squirrels fighting over a nut.

'Taylor!' I yelled and waited a moment before I saw a blur shoot straight past my window and into my room.

'Hey, you're awake!' she exclaimed and brought me into a big hug.

'H-Hey T-Taylor, can't brreeaathhhee' I coughed and tapped her back lightly for her to release me which she did almost immediately.

'Oops sorry Mila, so you called?'

'Yeah I hope I wasn't interrupting breakfast or anything'

'Nah, I had breakfast hours ago, what's up?'

'It's stupid, but I need help getting into the bathroom' I admitted.

'Aww does Wolfy gotta go potty?' she teased and brought my arm over her shoulder then guided me across to the bathroom. She opened the door and helped me inside before walking out again.

'Thanks Taylor!' I called out to her.

'You're welcome!' she called back in the same cheery tone. I quickly went to the toilet then hopped in the shower and blessed the gods for running water, it took me a few moments to figure out all the buttons but I got it to work in the end and a steady flow of warm water came pouring out. I tried to keep my bandaged leg away from the spray but it ended up getting drenched regardless. My arm was easy to keep out of the water, but it made trying to wash my hair almost impossible. When I was finally done, I grabbed one of the towels and wrapped it around my body then looked at the tub dishearteningly. I knew I would have trouble getting out and I didn't want to die via my idiocy. I could call Taylor again, but that would be weird, I definitely couldn't call Chris, and calling Clara or Mike would be mortifying so I guess I only have once choice.

'Lauren!' again I waited and soon she appeared with a smug grin on her face.

'If I didn't know any better Cabello I'd say you were ignoring me' the raven haired girl perplexed as she leant against the wall.

'I just called you in here didn't I?' I protested, feeling a little exposed, stood in just a towel.

'After you called Chris to help you yesterday, and then Taylor today; it hurts to be your third choice' she said in her low husky voice that made a part of me want to beg for her forgiveness, which another part of me thought was weird and made myself promise never to think that again.

'Jealous?' I quirked, fumbling with my towel to make sure it didn't accidentally slip off.

'Nervous?' she countered and a prominent smirk replaced her grin.

'Just help me out of here' I deflected. When I asked that, I half expected her to just lift me out and put me back down but instead she lifted me up bridal style and carried me out of the bathroom. 'You didn't have to carry me' I mumbled, looking away from her to hide my evident blush. She sat me down on the bed and when I turned to my side I noticed a fresh set of clothes neatly folded beside me.

'I figured you would need a fresh set'

'Thanks - and thank you for letting me borrow your clothes Lauren, I really appreciate it'

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