Chapter 75

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Camila's POV 

'Jesus fucking Christ Keana, what're you tryna do, kill me?' I gritted and clutched the fresh claw marks slashed against my still recently sliced open abdomen. When she said she wanted to test whether i still had my killer instincts in me she meant it, i just hoped she'd have some small regard for my life given how reckless others have been with it. I have to admit though, despite her tactics, our little round of fisticuffs has pointed out a few things; the most prominent being that my reflexes work for shit. I know i'm a little rusty, but this is pitiful. I can't even defend myself from attacks i can see coming from miles away and Keana's laughing about it.  

'C'mon Cabello, if i were really trying to kill you you'd be dead already. I've trained Omegas with more Alpha potential than you' she sneered and i bared my fangs. Way to rub it in. Let me chain you up for fifty years and see how you fare. 

'We've only been doing this for a couple of hours-' i tried to explain but she wasn't having any of it and grabbed me by the scruff of my tank top, pulling me dangerously close. 

'And you only have less than 72 hours to get yourself in shape, is that gonna be enough for you Camila or should we wait till the next full moon?' she taunted and i plunged my own claws into her forearm.  

'You know i can't afford to wait that long, the blood moon is only a few weeks away and the next full moon isn't for an entire month. It's now or never Keana, stop acting as if i'm some little kid who spent her whole life wishing she was an Alpha. I'm here because i need to be, not because i want to be!' i growled but Keana didn't even flinch, instead, her stone cold features turned soft. 

'Then show me something Camila, pull up your big girl pants and hit me like you mean it!' she yelled determinedly and pulled her arm out of my reach before bringing it swiftly back down. The rock like fist made contact with my face and i went down clumsily. Without hesitation i jumped to my feet only for another fist to slam me right back down. I could feel anger coursing through my veins and my need to shift was more prevalent than ever, but if i couldn't beat her in my human form then there was no way i could ever beat her in my Werewolf form. I had to beat her here and now, or at least go toe to toe with her. I got into proper form and put some space between the two of us so i could get a clear view of all of our surroundings and looked for any advantages and weaknesses that i could use against her. 

She of course didn't leave me much time to think things through and began her next onslaught of attacks. In real time blow after blow struck against me, i managed to stop an arm here or there but they were obvious moves that she had pre empted me blocking only to use my new position to her advantage. She really was a true Alpha, and i as a meager, beaten, broken, Beta didn't stand a chance. After a while though i noticed she was throwing her punches, it might not have seemed that way to anyone else given that they still hurt like hell but she was letting up enough that i stood some kind of chance if i actually upped my game. Fine, it's time to get serious. Just imagine she's Dedrick. Dedrick. That fucking arrrrggghhh!!!!

'Oh, you're so dead!!!' I roared and charged at the girl in front of me, my arms rapping around her body as i slammed her into the wall behind us. She brought down both of her arms and struck me full force against my back before bringing up her knee and hitting me straight in the gut, my grip loosened and she managed to shove me back. I braced myself for another attack and i knew i couldn't dodge it face to face so i opted for another tactic and went upwards, using the strength of her arm to hoist myself over her body and land behind her. As soon as i made contact with the hardwood floor i saw her right foot lift off the ground and ducked right down before pushing myself through the gap between her legs and narrowly missing her roundhouse kick to the face. 

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