Chapter 3

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The next day I was going to sit up when I felt another person in the room and played it off like I was moving in my sleep. My leg was feeling a hell of a lot better, I just needed a moment to put some pressure on it and I should be good to go. But the dead body in the room seemed very adamant in sticking around; they had even pulled up a chair and everything. Since Vampires don't breathe I almost missed them, but luckily they were tapping their foot on the ground. The tapping stopped briefly as I moved but picked up again shortly when they saw that I wasn't getting up. I wanted to take a peek, see who my visitor was but I knew I couldn't risk it, after all this careful planning I wasn't going to let my curiosity bite me in the ass. Plus, I don't know how much longer I can fake being asleep. I really have to pee, I want actual food instead of liquid nutrients and I desperately need a shower. To my annoyance they stayed in the room for what felt like years until another person came into the room.

'Oh here you are' the 1st voice was definitely female, with a slight huskiness to it.

'Just keeping an eye on our guest' the 2nd, from my visitor was softer but also female.

'How's she doing?'

'Well she moved a little, so I guess she's not dead' they chuckled.

'That's always a good sign'

'I'm still trying to rap my head around what happened to her'

'Well, when she wakes up again you can ask her'

'Oh yeah, I'm real sure a Werewolf is going to want to talk to us' so at least this one has her head on straight.

'That's true'

'We're not all bad. Why don't they get that?'

'I don't know Tay, maybe we can show this one that we're different' Tay? I'm guessing that's short for Taylor.

'Lauren?' And the husky girls name is Lauren.


'Do you think it will always be like this?'

'Like what?'

'Vampires and Werewolves at each other's throats; now that the humans know we exist shouldn't we be working together?' No, no we should not. Stay in your lane and we'll stay in ours, any ideas of a co-existence are unrealistic and extremely unpopular.

'There's a lot of bad blood between our two races, deaths on both sides, it's not easy to just let something like that go. But who knows? Maybe one day'

'I hope so'

'Me too' Well prepare to be very disappointed. 'Come on, it's getting close to dinner time' and I'm not stinking around for the feast. Taylor got up from her chair and walked out of the room alongside Lauren, the girl I presumed to be her sister and I was finally left alone. I waited and listened as I was sat up in my bed.

'We're going out, Chris you coming?'

'What about the wolf, mum and dad aren't home?' That must be the brother.

'Okay then stay here and you can go out when we get back'

'Alright, see ya'

Damn, they're going out for dinner. The cuffs restricted my movement but gave me enough leeway to look out of the window and watch the two run off in the direction of my original escape plan; great. And there's still one lurking around in here which could be a problem, but my odds do look more favourable. Before it was one against five, but now it's one on one and I feel a lot stronger than I did a couple of days ago. I could take him down long enough to make my escape and by the time he alerts the other two there will be at least a few miles between me and them. I could actually do this, this could really work. Plus it's my only shot, so now or never. Here we go, do or die, sayonara Vampire mansion hello freedom. First I need to find a road, I could probably hitch hike to the nearest town and figure out where in the world I am from there then make my way back home. I had no idea if there would be someone waiting for me since I had been away for so long, but it was the only place I knew.

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