Chapter 86

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Keana's POV

It's not about motivation at this point, we're beyond that. I need to draw out Camila's Alpha side and the only way i know how to do that is through Lauren, but since she doesn't remember Lauren i'm gonna have to go back to basics. The one thing Werewolves struggle with more than anything; pure, unadulterated anger. I need her to be so pissed at me that she can't help but think of anything else, i need it to consume her, to take over her body until her single focus in life is to see me dead. And lucky for me, i already have a perfectly good reason for her to hate me right in my back pocket. She might not remember Lauren but when she figures out how she completely forgot about a girl she was in love with in a matter of seconds, well that would piss off just about anybody right? 

'Keana, s-stop this, please' she begged and tapped my arm weakly. It was a horrific sight to see, there wasn't a patch of skin left uncut, burned or bruised, another minute or so and there won't be anything left. I also thought i'd never tire of the sight of blood but something about seeing Camila covered from head to toe in it made me sick to my stomach, she's lost so much of the stuff she's probably an entirely new person on the inside. Snakes shed their skin but Werewolves tear their insides apart and create entirely new blood cells. 

'You can stop this Camila!' i barked, taking note of the conflicted looks i was receiving from the other Werewolves. There's usually not this much talking. 

'I can't- I c-can't, please, something's w-wrong' she sputtered. 

Well at least she knows that something's off which is a good sign, that means somewhere deep down is the Camila that can actually get through this. All i need is a spark, an ignition to help start a fire in her and then, well, i'm gonna be in a lot of trouble.  Oh and if this all works out in the end i just wanna say thanks to whatever higher power bailed me out, i owe you big time. 

'Remember Lauren?' i said clocking her puzzled expression as i continued. 'You wanna know why you can't remember her? Why there's this big empty space in your memories? I made you forget her. I put you through this trial knowing that you would lose a huge part of her, but what i didn't count on was you forgetting her completely' 

'W-Who was s-she to me?' she asked. 

'She was your girlfriend' i confessed. 'She's the one who found you in that Warehouse, she looked after you, protected you and after a while she fell in love with you. As Alpha's we couldn't accept that and in order to become one you had to lose all your feelings for her, but your body decided it would be less painful for you to just forget she ever existed. That's why you can't remember the first part of the trial' 

The more i spoke the more i could see a spark of realization spit-firing behind those golden eyes, it was working i just didn't know if it would be enough of a push. Lauren was still technically a stranger to Camila, it's entirely possible she doesn't give two shits about some girl she doesn't know. Regardless i pushed on explaining all the details of her recovery and other bits and pieces Camila had told me about over the past three days, i scrambled together every possible detail that would make this seem like more than some intricate story that i just randomly made up on the spot. I needed her to believe it, to take it to heart, after all hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. I took away the love of her life and didn't warn her about it, i slept with her and gained her trust knowing full well the horrors i would have to inflict on her afterwards and just about every other deceitful trick in the book. Think that's enough betrayal?

'W-Where is she?' she asked hoarsely, her grip tightening on my arm. 

This was it, this was my chance to finally get Camila back in the game once and for all. In hindsight i could have just told her the truth, it probably would have had the same effect, her desire to see this mysterious girl who could answer all of her unanswerable questions would be too much to pass up. Human curiosity is a dangerous thing, but Werewolf curiosity could find you on the wrong side of a cliff edge. However, i needed the monster, the beast who almost took out a whole family of Vampires, who fought off and defeated a fully matured Succubus, stood against a Precursor and lived to tell about it and put a giant hole through my living room wall! So naturally i told her the last thing she likely ever wanted to hear, that the girl i had just tossed into her lap was unceremoniously plucked out of it and killed along with her memories. 

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