Chapter 98

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Camila's POV 

All our lives people preach about the dangers of repeating history and how we never seem to learn from our mistakes only how to do them again better the next go around, but the one thing they neglect to warn you about are other people repeating your past mistakes. It's not necessarily because they think they could do better at it than you or because they won't suffer the same consequences, it could entirely be a horrid twist of fate and happenstance that they fall into the same trap you did. In hindsight i guess you could say it was one of those things that needed to happen in order for other more important things to fall into place, puzzle pieces don't fit themselves together you know, a lot of pain suffering and mind numbing headaches go into creating the bigger picture. I just wish i didn't have to find out this way is all. 

"Camz, do you see him anywhere?" Huh? See who? Oh right, Dedrick. The man we came all this way to see and one of the final loose ends we have to tie up; honestly i can't wait to put this whole thing behind us. It started out as an innocent mission to defend ourselves from a cult of Evil Vampires and then the unthinkable happens and we're faced with one of the worlds most ancient and not to mention dangerous monsters on the planet. I mean, talk about a case of rotten luck. 

"Nope, i can't see a thing.... Hey, you called me Camz?" I said suddenly, looking over at Lauren as we walked in tow with our tour guide Hayley. Thank god for this girl, i've never bumped into so many people in my life and almost gotten my head bitten off in the process but one glare from Hayley and they backed away in an instant. Officially the coolest person i've ever met, and i've met centuries old Vampires, Precursors, Gargoyles, Sirens, Succubi, etc. Although the pleasure was all hers with the Succubi so maybe i'm biased. Either way, Hayley is our lord and saviour and if she get's us through this in one piece i think i might end up building a religion around her or something. 

"Oh- I erm-- Well, that is your name right? Kinda, i mean, i always use to call you Camz, i guess it's just habit, sorry" Lauren laughed awkwardly in an attempt to brush off her Freudian slip. Not ten minutes ago did we almost kiss and she's already calling me 'Camz', that's a sign of progress right? 

"It's okay Lauren, we like it when you call us Camz" I assured her, not realising i had just referred to myself in the third person. This, having another person in my head thing is not as easy as it seems, and i know she's not really another me just an isolated part of my subconscious that's become sentient? I don't know, they never covered Multiple Personality Disorder in my Highschool science class.  

"We?" she asked and i furrowed my brow. 

"Oh, yeah erm, Karla's... I said i liked it when you call me Camz and she agreed and instinctively i referred to us as 'We' which is super weird right? I'm sorry if this is too crazy for you, it just came out" I scrambled to explain but the more i did the more i slowly realised i sound like a psycho which is not a good feeling. Just  to clarify i know i'm not psychotic but no one else has another voice swimming around inside their head. 

"Camz, it's fine. I'm just surprised Karla cared enough to contribute, she barely agreed to be friends and now she's already warming up to me calling you Camz. She must like me a lot more than i thought" Lauren grinned smugly to herself. I won't tell her what Karla thought about that statement but just between you and me; 'My like for Lauren is barely a quarter of the size of her ego and that's saying something'

"I honestly don't know how you two can possibly get anything done with all of this flirting" Hayley chimed in as she turned around just long enough to catch us smiling goofily at each other. 

"It's not usually like this i can assure you" I replied.

"Ha! Since when? Name one time we weren't hopelessly flirting when we were in danger or staring death in the face?" Lauren guffawed and though i didn't mean to take it there, i sorta went there anyway. 

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