Chapter 49

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Camila's POV

As much as I just wanted to put Phaidra's visit behind me, and I mean like to the darkest depths of my mind to which none may ever return; somebody won't let it go. Now I'm not saying any names, but she's got jet black hair and a pissy attitude. She kept on insisting I hadn't told her the full story and well after hours and hours of 'are you sure that's all that happened?' I caved... I know I thought I was a lot stronger than that. But in my defence I was still a little sleepy after my rude awakening earlier and I hate hiding things from Lauren, even if it meant I could have avoided the long ass rant she decided to go on. Let's just say Phaidra's in huge trouble if she shows her face around here anytime soon.

Ally's been playing mediator between Lauren and imaginary Phaidra that Lauren had decided was a pillow and fiercely threw it against the wall (well as hard as one can throw a stuffed pillow case against a flat surface). As for Normani and Dinah, well we haven't heard from them since lunch and that was almost three hours ago. Now I don't want to jump to conclusions or anything, but their room key was on the table by the door and now it's miraculously disappeared; coincidence? God do I hope so.

Normani's POV

How does one go from a harmless conversation about exes and dealing with their bullshit baggage even after the two of you have already called it quits, to a conversation about finding 'the one' and eternal monogamy. I honestly don't know what my life has turned into ever since I started having feelings for a certain Polynesian, everything used to be so simple and now my stomach is doing somersaults every time she walks into the room. I'm a 200 year old Vampire, I've loved and lost so many lovers and some of them were more important than others but I shed my tears and that was that... but with Dinah, I feel like if I lost her my whole world would fall apart.

We've been friends longer than I can remember, and she's stuck by my side through thick and the thin. I can honestly say that in terms of being an amazing friend she wins the gold star, so why isn't that enough? Why can't I be content with having an incredible, beautiful and incredibly talented best friend by my side for all eternity! Maybe I love her?

Yeah, maybe...

'Moniii? You still with me?' a voice brought me out of my thoughts.


'You okay? You haven't said a word since I asked you if you've met anyone recently' she beamed and turned on her side since the two of us where lying on the bed. Which by the way is absolute torture if you can't keep your thoughts in check, there's about ten different me's in alternate universes climbing on top of their best friend and giving her the kiss of life – so to speak. But here we are in this universe showing applaud-able restraint, go me.

'Yeah, I was just thinking about all of the people I've met over the past century or so but none of them really took my interest. Guess I'm too content with my girl' I said jokily and nudged her arm, but deep down I knew I meant every word of it. If only she did too.

'Hey, don't use me as an excuse for your lacklustre love life' she teased and nudged me back.

'I can blame whoever I want, and right now I blame you' I persisted.

'Okay you can blame me if you can give at least three reasons why it's my fault'

I love you.

I love you.

I love you.

'Okay fine, you win it's not your fault. But I'm really okay with being alone, I have everything I need right here' I smiled and moved closer to her so I could lay my head on her chest.

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