Chapter 33

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Lauren's POV

I didn't know what to do I was so shocked at this sudden change in behaviour, I mean sure I had wished many times that I could kiss Camila freely without worry but I also wanted to be prepared for that moment (and right now I was anything but). No matter how much I wanted to stop I couldn't deny myself the overwhelming need to have her this close to me; kissing me like I was her sunshine and she was afraid of the dark. At least I know now why I was always the instigator of moments such as these, and to put it simply it was because in that moment I was in control of myself.

However now, a feral urge had taken over and I was afraid of the worst. I don't want to go all Edward on you but kissing sparks the pleasure receptors in a Vampire mercilessly and completely disregards any measures we've put in place to stop us from snapping, thus the longer we are exposed to that pleasure the more we crumble under it. That's why drinking blood is so addictive and why the hunger can lead us astray from our morals; the taste is so invigorating we find ourselves craving more so anything that causes similar levels of pleasure leaves us wanting only one thing above all - blood. And being so close to Camila, her hands caressing my skin sending me reeling while her heart is going a thousand beats per minute; I don't know how much more I can take before my fangs pop out and I have to excuse myself for an embarrassing trip out into the woods. I just don't want to complicate this (whatever this is) especially since we have yet to talk about it properly.

God has Camila always been this strong? I hadn't thought so until right now when I was at my weakest and I don't think even the strength of a thousand Vampires would do me any good in this situation. That would just create ten times the thirst I had for her and the last thing I needed was to add to the flaming insatiable desire that I'm sure I would never be permitted to douse. If she were ever to be mine, I would have to live with that fact that I would always want her that way only to never be satisfied fully. And that would be my greatest challenge yet.

But for now I need to see through what was happening right in front of me now, and while I may have managed to distract myself slightly the ever increasing excitement within my veins was coming to a boil whether I wanted it too or not. So of course Camila decides now is the best time to pick up the pace and I find myself lying flat on my back with mischievous yellow eyes looking back down at me. I guess it's nice to know her Werewolf side is reacting as violently to this stimulation as much as my Vampire side, maybe it too has a goal that it needs to achieve. I haven't thought much about the needs and wants of Werewolves since I never expected myself to become so enamoured by one, but now I had questions and a new desire to find out everything there is to know. Even though I was opting for restraint, I couldn't take my hands off of her sinuous curves, it was perfect as she was perfect. Her lips, her taste, her voice, the smile I could feel against my skin, God there was so much more that I wanted to experience- But that's counterproductive! No, I need to focus.

When I was sitting I had a lot more chances to escape, I could just stand up and she would have to let go if I released her from my hold but now there was nothing I could do. Her lips were back on mine, licking, biting, sucking in the most pleasurable ways that I was actually having difficulty keeping up with her. Speed, something I never faltered in was also failing me but Camila didn't seem to mind, no she just moved her lips to my neck and bit down... uh-oh. I'm sure I made a sound, a gasp, a whine, honestly I've forgotten the difference, and my eyes closed as the bliss enraptured my body in pure ecstasy. It was so good, yet so, so bad. For when I opened my eyes I was unsurprisingly met with red surroundings; my jaw was uncomfortable and my throat was horrendously dry. Camila hadn't seemed to notice the change as evidenced by her continuous open mouthed kisses down my neck and along my collar bones; her hands roughly grabbing at my waist, and her warm breath ricocheting off of my skin. No.

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