Chapter 70

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Ally's POV

Okay when i said it i was only like half joking but now Tyrus has got both Brad and Austin tied to a chair and i feel like we're past the point of no return. They're Werewolves they should be fine, i mean Vampires boast about their regenerative abilities all the time but it's only because we know that Werewolves can regenerate just as fast if not faster. They have this cool, insanely attractive, animalistic rage that makes them almost unstoppable - luckily that's never been the case for me, once they get started... damn it's been far too long since my last Werewolf. Anyway enough about that, let's just get this done so we can focus on saving Camila and restore the world to it's former manageable kind of crazy. I mean technically they did volunteer but i probably should have told them that there is a potentially suicidal outcome at the end of this experiment and it could all be for naught-

And Tyrus just put the needle in, well too late now. At first Brad was fine, he sat as happily and as thick headed as ever as did Austin but after a while i could tell something was happening when half of Brads face went to sleep and Austin looked like he was melting. If it weren't for the restraints they both might've slipped off their chairs and onto the floor. My insides were churning while Tyrus simply sat and studied them, the two would go back to normal every now and then thanks to their aforementioned healing abilities but the drug would take it's toll again a few moments later. Over time their regeneration was getting noticeably slow and the drug was taking effect faster each time, almost like contractions, if this was a pregnancy the baby would be crowning any minute. And eventually they stopped healing altogether, Brads eyes snapped shut and i checked his pulse to make sure he was still breathing - he was, same goes for Austin. 

Thirty minutes later of uncomfortable panicked pacing there was no change in either of them, both of them were just lying there, drool trickling down heir chins as if they were asleep. It was kind of gross actually, but Tyrus continued scribbling down notes, keeping an eye on their blood pressure and their breathing. Normani and Dinah had skedaddled a while ago to go check on the Cabello sisters and Lauren since they didn't want to be 'accessories to murder' and obviously i was feeling guilty for suggesting it at all so i had to stick around, but honestly i think Tyrus is onto something. Once a full hour had passed he decided that was long enough and used the other herb to wake them up which had an almost immediate effect, way too immediate in my opinion since i was standing by Austins chair. I had just finished untying his restraints when he jumped into my arms in a panic yelling 'i'm not dead!' which in turn woke up Brad who ran out of here screaming bloody murder. 

'Soooo?' i said after Austin finally left.

'So, the plant puts them into the coma state we saw before and the root is what brings them out of it' Tyrus explained. 

'Think that's how the Precursor did it?' i asked and he nodded. 'But Dedrick was very specific in his instructions, he told us that we needed you because you were the only one who could mix the two together'

This seemed to capture Tyrus's attention as he grabbed one of his beakers and poured one half of the herb solution into it followed by the other and swirled it around. 

'Typically when mixing these two things together they require a lot of heat to blend properly but in this case heat would only eradicate the effects of the herbs rendering them useless, and the only other way i can think of mixing them that are within the Precursors abilities is adding another agent to the mix. Specifically Amarcite' he said clicking his fingers and walking out of the tent. 

'Ama- what now?' i huffed and waited patiently for his return. He came back quicker than i thought with some pebbles in his hand. 'What are those for? i asked and almost punched him when he shushed me but stopped myself when he gestured for me to come closer. 

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