Chapter 76

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Lauren's POV 

Lord knows what kind of trouble Camila could be getting herself into right about now...

'Oh god fuck me, yessss' 

'You're so fucking hot Camila'

I just hope someone somewhere is watching out for her, making sure she's okay...

'How's that feel baby?'

'So good, god, please don't stop!!' 

Is it selfish to hope she's somewhere thinking about me after all we've been through...

'Say my name Beta'

'K-Keana- fuck Keana, shit' 

Maybe she's finally getting the break she needs from all of this, and that's good right...

'Ready for round three Camilita?'

'Don't ask, just do' 

I can't shake this feeling that we're over, i mean is this it, is Camila finally done with me?

'Oh god i'm cumming!!'

'It's okay baby, just let go' 

Well, if one things for sure, i'm not done with her. I just have to hope she'll come back to us when she's ready. Even if she abandons me she won't leave her sister and i won't leave Sofi, i promised to take care of her after all, so as long as she needs me i'll be here. If Camila wants me gone she'll have to tell me to my face and even then, she'll have to make me believe it, every single word. Only then will i be convinced. Only then will i walk away from everything we fought so hard to achieve. 

We decided to go back to Werewolf Country for the time being, there's no point in staying home when we're needed here. All of the Werewolves that woke up along with Sofi are being tended to, Ally has an incredible bed side manner and so far has managed to keep everyone relatively calm. However, the same can't be said for Dedricks pack, there's been a lot of fallout, Betas and Omegas fighting about who should take over now that their Alpha is, while un-officially, still technically dead. Someone else is just walking around in his body. If we're not careful the rest of us are gonna be caught up in an all out turf war and the last place anyone wants to be is in the middle of a bunch of Werewolves trying to tear each other apart. I refuse to be collateral damage in some petty power play. Dinah and Normani have been trying their hardest not to let the pack divide itself but i fear the lines have already been drawn. 

One Werewolf, a loud mouth Omega called Justin has already claimed one side of the encampment. And another Werewolf, a Beta called Halsey has taken domain of the other. Both sides decided that the medical tent and it's surrounding area is neutral territory, that's where we're all currently held up. I'm just glad neither side has decided we've overstayed our welcome, not that we were all that welcome when Dedrick was in charge, but now i'd say we're definitely the proverbial elephant in the room. 

'Lauren, go play mediator or something' Dinah suggested as she and Normani walked into the tent. 

'If they won't listen to you, what makes you think they'll listen to me?' I scoffed and stretched against the empty medical bed. 

'Well technically we're telling them to throw in the towel, a mediator helps two sides comes to terms to avoid a massacre' Ally explained. 

'So wouldn't you be a better mediator?' i suggested and she shook her head. 

'I'm not nearly intimidating enough, and i would have asked Sofi to do it but i don't want them to see her as another possible adversary' she explained and i nodded. 

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