Chapter 82

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Camila's POV 


'Camila, you're here. Finally, we can begin'

'Lauren, when did you get here? How did you get here? And begin what?' i asked the Lauren-esk figure. I had a feeling it wasn't Lauren, not really, much like how it wasn't Ariana, but she seemed so lifelike. Unfortunately this Lauren didn't have the same comforting familiarity about her, she was cold, or hollow, just all around empty; and her eyes, they didn't glow with that warm emerald light i've grown accustomed to. They were soulless, dead through and through. It was just the two of us though which put me at ease slightly, no monsters or ghouls lurking around the corner, nothing that could hurt us or so i hoped. 

I moved closer to her and looked around in case anything decided to pop out but there was nothing, no movement, no noise, just Lauren and I. A creepy, doll-like Lauren who hasn't taken her steely gaze off of me for even a second. I know because i can feel the chill of her stare going right through me every time i look away. 

'Well Camila, i'm waiting' It spoke and i dread to think what in the hell it could be talking about. Waiting for what? Jesus, i'm almost afraid to ask. I want this to be some kind of illusion, or pain induced vision from being tortured by a bunch of witches, but... you know that bad feeling i was talking about earlier? Well i'm worried this has something to do with what that guy was talking about, what if this is part of the ceremony, part of me forgetting Lauren. What was that even about!? Why are they trying to take my feelings for her? I can kill Vampires just fine, the guilty one's anyway, Lauren and her family are innocent. I know they did some messed up stuff in the past but that doesn't mean they deserved to be killed for it! They've redeemed themselves, proven that they're not the monsters everyone believes them to be. 

I'm gonna kill Keana when i get out of this. Speaking of Keana, why the hell didn't she warn me this was going to happen, and why didn't she stop it when i called out to her!? I know we're not exactly the best of friends but surely she should have known that the last thing i would ever want is to lose my feelings for the girl i love, regardless of whether she's a Vampire or not. If she knew this was going to happen then she has some serious explaining to do. 

'Camillllaaaa, c'mon, we don't have all day y'know. I mean, you do want to become an Alpha right?' Lauren spoke again, and this time i was slightly curious about what she meant by that. 

'You know i do, but i don't understand where you fit it into all of this' i said and to my complete surprise and horror the Lauren doll laughed in a creepy monotone tune. 

'Well isn't it obvious Camzy, i'm the one thing standing in your way' she replied. I don't like what she's implying and that couldn't be farther from the truth, Lauren is my driving inspiration, the place where all of this started. If it wasn't for her i wouldn't be here today and if anything i need her or i wouldn't be able to pull this off, it's entirely the opposite. I really, really don't want to know where this is going, or what this Lauren figure wants me to do but i can tell you right now i refuse. Whatever it is i won't do it, i won't lose Lauren, i can't, not in some mental battle i wasn't prepared for. Lauren's more than just a figment of my imagination or a memory, she's real and my feelings for her are even more real, they can't take that way from me. Not without a fight. 

'No, you're not' i argued and gingerly grabbed the side of her arms. 'Lauren, you're my motivation. I know we're fighting right now but you're really important to me and i would never accuse you of standing in my way' 

'Don't be silly Camz, of course i am, if it weren't for me you might already be an Alpha. We really don't have to talk, just get on with it and this'll all be over' she continued. 

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