Chapter 17

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I don't understand it, why would Lauren think I hurt her. I would never do something like that, I admit I can be a little snappy sometimes but I refuse to believe I would ever lay a finger on her. Not now, after we've all grown so close I couldn't bring myself to attack any of them even if my own life was on the line. They're too important to me now to risk pulling a stupid move like that, besides I don't have a good motive or reason to attack her, she hasn't done anything. And I didn't do anything either, I'm sure of it, I'm so sure of it. All right, let's try to go over everything that happened yesterday. I went out to visit Lily's grave which is something I always do from time to time so nothing out of the ordinary there, I walked past Chris and Mike outside and could hear Lauren and Clara walking around inside the house. I went alone, again nothing different there and I'm pretty sure no one followed me. I couldn't have been there more than an hour; I talked to Lily for a bit then I remember tracing the letters on her headstone before smoothing over the edges and standing up. Then I walked back to the house after saying my goodbyes and then that whole catastrophe happened.

But I don't remember talking to Lauren at all, not once that whole day. Like I said if she was nearby I had no idea she was there and that wouldn't have been possible, she has a distinct smell that I would have picked up on and her footsteps would have been ricocheting off the ground in waves. No, she didn't sneak up on me, she couldn't have. Then how about the tree... did she do it herself; a kind of sabotage maybe? But that would mean that- does Lauren want me gone is that why she did this? She wouldn't... would she? Would she? Lauren is still sort of a mystery to me; I suppose it could be possible. Perhaps I've overstayed my welcome, or did something to annoy her or offend her or I don't know maybe she got tired of being yelled it for no good reason. I guess any of those are possible. Can we peg that as a maybe for now? I'd like to think that she didn't come up with this ridiculous scheme to get me to leave because she's too nice to ask me herself, really that's not something I can stomach right now. It doesn't fit the timeline but the tree is my best bet, time to investi- oh wait, no I can't I'm under house arrest. Great. So I guess we're sneaking out, god I feel so rebellious.

'First problem, window' I thought aloud and tapped my chin thoughtfully facing the freshly barricaded area. Mike told me it was just a precaution in case there was something else out there trying to hurt us, but I know that a small part of him was just showing concern for his family and trying to protect them which I can appreciate. I could tear it off but I couldn't do it without making a hell of a lot of noise or at the very least raising suspicion. What about the floorboards? I could tear one up, shift into my wolf form and dig a tunnel right out of here; do what I need to do and then come back and replace the plank without anyone even knowing I was gone. It's totally fool proof... except I need a tool or something to separate the plank, and if this house is built on a good foundation there's most likely cement or something underneath. I guess I've got no other choice but to found some other way out that's not within these four walls which is gonna prove to be difficult since everyone is on 'high Camila alert'. Let's just hope neither of the two sets of footsteps I can hear downstairs belongs to Lauren, another icy stare and I'm afraid I'm going to turn to stone.

So with the upmost reluctance I walk out of my room and close the door behind me before walking down the narrow hallway. However the further along I got the clearer the two mixed scents became and I recognised them to be Lauren's and Chris's. I stopped by the corner of the wall to take a deep breath before stepping into their line of sight, whatever conversation they were having stopped immediately and their eyes fell on me but I didn't stop to say anything, or even look up. I just kept walking and headed off upstairs. Even from atop the staircase their glaring continued, more so from Lauren than Chris but ignored the knife in my back and looked down each corridor to see each of the windows boarded up. There goes another plan. Although it's not a total loss, I noticed there's a distinct lack of other family members which poses the question of 'Where are they?' and 'How did they get out? I'm more focussed on the how as to the where but either way I get some answers and unfortunately there are only two possible people I can get those from. After taking another deep breath I returned back down the stairs to a nonchalant acting pair of Jauregui's.

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