Chapter 62

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No One's POV

Camila sat down for all of two seconds before the thought of her confession had her back up on her feet and pacing around the confined space of the tent. Lauren's eyes followed each stride, her own burden weighing heavily on her shoulders, she didn't know what scared her more; how Camila would react to what she had to say or what Camila was clearly worrying about telling her. She knew deep down that it was something bad this time, Camila's kept things from her before but they were always for her own personal safety, this time she knows it's to protect Lauren's feelings instead and that's what's making this worse. There isn't a lot Camila could do that would hurt Lauren beyond repair and it's the same with Camila, she's starting to figure out she'd forgive Lauren for just about anything; even leaving her after what she has to say. 

Of course she hopes that's not the case but she did essentially cheat on Lauren with her ex dead lover, whether it was real or not, and it may seem twisted but she sorta hopes whatever Lauren has to say is just as bad as that so she can shake off some of this guilt. You can never truly justify cheating on someone, Lauren was nothing but good to Camila and did nothing to deserve such a betrayal but there will always be something about what happened that Lauren will never understand - and that is how important it was to Camila in repairing her heart and putting her past behind her. Even after she met Lauren, Camila was invested in the story of Chris and Lily because he made her feel closer to her own long lost wolf, the nostalgia and familiarity of it all was the one thing that kept her grounded. 

'Camila you're making me nervous' Lauren laughed as she rubbed her palms together. 

'I'm sorry i'm just worried' she swallowed and crossed her arms together. 

'Camz, you have nothing to be worried about, i'll forgive yo-'

'Stop Lauren, i know exactly what you're gonna say and i don't want to throw those words back in your face' Camila sighed. 'Let's just do this. What happened with you and the Precursor?' 

Lauren eyed Camila for a moment, her expression growing sadder by the minute, nothing she could imagine happening to her Werewolf girlfriend explains why she's so sure Lauren won't forgive her. It must have been something unspeakable, and once that thought occurred the green eyed girl felt sick to her stomach. 

'The Precursor was- is a Fox, they're notorious tricksters and can take the shape of anyone they choose. They feed by trapping you in their illusion and she fooled me into believing she was you. I had to do some things that i don't even want to start explaining in order to escape' Lauren stated and Camila turned to face her. 

'What kind of things?' she asked, her voice still and unnerving. 

'I erm... look Camila you have to understand, she made me think she was you and i literally couldn't control my actions. I had to go along with what she wanted until she let her guard down, once you break free from a Foxes control they can't trick you again' Lauren said as she also stood up and ran her hand through her hair. 

'What did you have to go along with Lauren? It's okay, just tell me' Camila said reassuringly but didn't move closer to the raven haired girl and kept her gaze fixated on the ground a few feet away from her. 

'She made me- I mean i had to- touch her' Lauren said uneasily. 'I had no other choice, i had to trick her into believing she'd won or i'd never have gotten out of there and i'm so sorry Camila' she continued and made a move toward the brunette who'd gone noticeably quiet, but Camila anticipated it and held her hands up in rebuke. 'Camz, i'm so-'

'Please don't apologize Lauren, you did what you had to do to survive so there's nothing to forgive. You didn't do anything wrong' Camila sighed and gave Lauren a small smile to let her know she wasn't mad, the older girl smiled back and Camila's heart sank when she realized it might be the last smile she sees when Lauren looks at her after this. 

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