Chapter 16

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'What are you-'

'Taylor, get out of the way!'

'Chris, try and get around her!'

'Watch out!'

'Pass me that I wanna try something'

'Don't let her outside!'

'What do we do now!?'

'She's not listening to us'

'We can't hurt her'

'What the hell is going on?'

'Look out!'

'Don't do anything stupid, just try and keep out of her grasp!'


Lauren's POV

'Mum have you seen Camila, she's not in her room' I inquired, swinging slightly on the banister.

'Not since yesterday' she chimed and wandered off upstairs.

'Gee thanks' I mumbled and walked towards the front door. Maybe she's outside with Chris or Taylor, heck maybe she's with Dad trapped in some eternal lecture about his life. If that's the case I need to find her before she dies of boredom, after surviving for 50 years in a murky warehouse that would be a bad way to go. When I stepped out into the brisk air I immediately caught wind of Camila's scent, she was by herself at Lily's grave. It's a cruel dynamic, Lily and Camila's bond I mean; she's the brown eyed girls' only sense of familiarity, the closest thing to a member of her race and yet they never got the chance to meet. Lily could have made Camila's time here a hell of a lot easier that's for sure and they probably would have been really great friends, especially considering how close she and Chris are. Maybe I should have fought harder for Lily to change her mind; I wanted her around because she made my brother happy, and now she could have made Camila happy. I guess I let both of them down. I was furious with Chris when he said he would support Lily's decision, I had already lost so many people in such a short amount of time I couldn't bear to watch another one slip through my fingers.

I wasn't there the day she died, something made me want to go out that day – perhaps maybe I knew it was going to happen, either way I wish I had the chance to say goodbye properly. Chris keeps telling me that it wouldn't have been possible even if I had stuck around, she passed away unexpectedly and any goodbyes would have been too late. That's what he tells himself too. Maybe Camila will be different, maybe she'll actually stick around, she's already fifty years in I don't know what I'd do if she decided to live out her human life. I can't lose her, I won't.

I approached the small clearing, pushing back some stray bramble when the girl in question came into view. She was pacing, her fists balled tightly and throwing her hands in the air, whatever she was doing must have her pissed off because she's leaving scorch marks every step she takes. I waited a few moments to see if she would cool off and after a short while she slumped down on the ground in front of Lily's grave. She looked breathless, the way her shoulders were rising up and down in large movements, her chest contacting so erratically it looked almost painful. I walked slowly toward her, slightly concerned for her health, maybe she was hurt or one of her wounds was causing her some discomfort... or a lot of discomfort. I didn't need to be close to her to see that she was shaking slightly, and I could practically taste the salt in the air from her fresh tears. My concern only grew as I came nearer, I sudden abrupt movement caused me to still my movements, she clutched her stomach and released a strangled whimper.

Alright enough is enough; honestly if she needed help she should have said something. She doesn't need to go through this alone especially when we can help her, when is she going to learn. I reached out a hand to her and when my fingertips came into contact with her shoulder she lurched backward, turning around in one swift movement her hands found the collar of my top and my back came into contact with the hard surface of one of the trees. I analysed her face and gasped at what I saw, her eyes weren't the ones I had grown accustomed to or the yellow of her wolf form, these were a different colour all together. A shade of grey, no not grey, silver had replaced the deep brown irises; her fangs bared her claws on full display, what is this?

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