Chapter 19

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Lauren's POV

'Wait what?' Chris gaped doubtfully as he stilled his efforts on forcing the door.

'It's complicated' I heard Camila sob.

'Camila, are you sure?' Clara asked.

'Mhmm' I could physically feel her tears falling down my own cheeks and it left a sick feeling in my stomach, she sounds like she's going through unimaginable pain and there's nothing I can do about it other than stand here and let it happen. We're not even one hundred percent sure what is going to happen but Camz made sure to put something between her and us so it definitely can't be good. Well that much is obvious, god I feel so useless. How am I supposed to help her, protect her? I don't know what's going on and Camila isn't exactly in a condition where she can explain it to us right now. Think Lauren, think!

'Camz, what can we do?' I asked.

'N-Nothing, you't do anything Lauren. I have to- fuck I have to leave' she spat out through large painful breaths.

'What, Mila no I-' Taylor began to protest.

'Not forever, just... just until I get through this o-okay?' she clarified and Taylor agreed. 'Stay in the house and don't come out until dawn, ah- and barricade the doors and w-windows NOW!'

'I'll do the upstairs, Mike and Chris you two stand by the door and make sure it stays closed, Lauren and Taylor you get the downstairs windows. Go now' Clara instructed and we all followed suit. The enforcements were in place quickly but that wasn't what was grating at my nerves, Camila's blood curdling screams ripped off the walls and they were all closely followed by a dreadful cracking sound. I don't even want to imagine what she's going through right now; I just hope it's not all for nothing.

'Camila, talk to me' I called out uneasily, but her reply only came in the merciless form of more screams. A few minutes later we were getting into position when I heard footsteps running away from the house; or rather stumbling, she managed to reach the trees until all signs of her faded. She said she would be coming back and I'll hold her to that, now we just have to wait and see what happens.

'Hey Lauren, can you pass me that I wanna try something' Chris asked, gesturing to a few long beams strewn below the window. We used this to fix the whole in the ceiling, seems they'll serve another purpose now. I handed the logs to Chris as he pushed them against the door to act as support beams, I'd like to think we do not require the extra precaution but I don't want to underestimate this newer, more dangerous Camila.

'What are you- what, you don't think we can hold the door ourselves?' Taylor pointed out as the last beam went up.

'You can never be too careful sweetheart' Clara explained.

'She's just one Werewolf, what's the worst she could do?' Taylor gawked.

'She's different, stronger, and I'd rather not find that out' I clarified.

'Er Lauren' Mike spoke up, and beckoned us all toward him at the window. He gestured through a small crack and when I looked through it, there in the distance was set of grey eyes glaring right back at us. 'We might not get that choice'

'Camz... what is going on?' I whispered aloud to myself and stepped away from the window.

'What is she doing?' Chris asked over Taylors shoulder was now looking through the crack.

'Sizing up her prey before she strikes, she knows she's outnumbered so she's waiting for the right time to attack' Mike explained and I didn't like his use of the words 'her' and 'she'. This wasn't Camila, this was something else entirely.

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