Chapter 30

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Lauren's POV

So I just knocked out my crush by hitting her in the back of the head with a lamp and rendering her unconscious... this definitely sits high up on my list of things I never thought I'd have to do. But honestly what else was I supposed to do I mean she was gonna turn, I mean she basically had so I'm surprised the lamp thing worked as well as it did. Besides she didn't really give us a chance to explain, instead she just blows up like a volcano without thinking things through which is just rude if you ask me considering all of the shit we've just let slide. Sure I guess it wouldn't be great to hear that the people you've come to care about used to spend their time hunting and killing others of your kind, but that was in the past, people change and use their second chances to help people.

I didn't expect her to be cool with it right away but I certainly didn't expect her to flip the wolf switch. As if she would have tried to eat us right... right? Do Werewolves even eat Vampires? – So not what we should be focussing on right now. But like how gross does that sound, like how acidic is the inner lining of a wolf stomach and how dissolvable are we exactly? It must be like chewing on really dry, old beef-

'Lauren?' a hand clicked rapidly in my face.


'Can you focus please' Clara asked and gestured toward Camila. 'Did you have to hit her so hard, and with my lamp? I only just bought that thing'

'No, you're right Mum I should have looked for a better, softer blunt weapon to knock out the Werewolf while she used your bones as toothpicks' I chastised.

'There's no need to get so visual, I was just saying, sheesh'

'Isn't there something we can do to get her to wake up, like smelling salts or something?'

'What are we the FBI? You think this is some crime show, no Lauren this is the real world and strangely enough we don't have smelling salts just lying around' Clara said sarcastically.

'Alright, well water then, anything to move this along. I feel like I'm sweating' I said pressing the back of my hand to my forehead.

'Vampires don't sweat' Clara whisper yelled.

'Now you see my predicament' I yelled in the same manner.

'Just chill out would you; she'll wake up soon enough'

'Yeah easier said than done' I commented and watched her walk off into another room only for my father to take her place shortly followed by Taylor.

'So are things squared away over here, are we ready?' he inquired and I nodded.

'What are we going to say, I mean you saw how she reacted what if we make things worse?' my sister asked, kneeling down in front of the still unconscious Camila.

'How could we possibly make things worse Tay? She went full serial killer from zero to a fur coat in a matter of minutes. We just need to explain ourselves and she'll see that we're not the monsters she most likely thinks we are' I informed her although not gaining much confidence from the younger girl.

'I'm serious Lo, I don't care if she holds onto some resentment for a while but if she leaves...'

'I know Taylor, but I promise okay, I promise you it won't come to that' I assured her, even though I knew that this conversation could go a hundred different ways, I'd like to think underneath all that anger there's a loving, forgiving little puppy. That's the hope anyway, so whenever you're ready Camz now's the time to wake up before I completely lose my nerve and have a full scale breakdown. Chris walked into the room with a glass of water that he was occasionally sipping out of as I impatiently tapped the wall. My eyes continuously flicker toward the glass in his hand and the ice cubes circling the top of the glass, I try and stop myself from snatching the glass from him and dousing it all over Camila but I hold out. That is right up until I hear myself mutter 'fuck it' and I'm pouring my own glass of water from the kitchen all over her instead.

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