Chapter 34

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Lauren's POV

'Now can we get back to the whole 'you can sleep' business?' Camila asked once we were now safely tucked in bed. It took a whole thirty minutes to get her to decide what side of the bed she wanted to sleep on and ten minutes of that was filled with me promising to answer any questions that she has after we're actually lying down.

And just like I expected there was no beating around the bush about it she just went straight in, like an impulse, maybe it's a Werewolf thing? It was nice lying like this next to Camila, it was like every problem we've ever had couldn't touch us in this moment; like our proximity and the invisible bond between us is inexplicably shielding Camila and I from all the negativity outside of these four walls.

She looks so peaceful and obviously intrigued but there's something else behind those deep brown eyes, almost like she's nervous perhaps. But not because of me, I suppose it might be because she knows what will happen when she drifts off to sleep, that she'll be taken back to that place where her life came crashing down around her.

I know I can't protect her from her dreams but I would give an arm and a leg if it meant I could steal her thoughts for tonight, let her dream of sweeter things maybe even about me? I don't doubt for a minute that I'll end up dreaming about the girl beside me; I mean how could I not? Especially after all the events that have transpired in such a short amount of time; in the space of 24 hours we've kissed twice; well more than twice but if you count all of those kisses as like a session or lapse of time then it's happened twice technically.

The second time was less than ideal, but the first time was a fairy tale moment that has been running over and over in my mind. The look of surprise and wonder on her face made me almost bubble over with excitement and the anticipation, the tension was like an all-consuming thing that freed me from the bitter cold of my frozen existence into the invigorating warmth that was Camila Cabello. I swear if my heart did beat it would have been beating out of my chest, I honestly believe I could feel it swell in the prison of my rib cage and it was a feeling like no other. An incomparable mess, an unexpected development; I don't know the difference.

'Vampires can do a lot of the things we could do when we were Human Camila, we just elect not to do them because it's a waste of time. We don't need to sleep therefore we don't, we don't need to eat hence why we only drink blood and we also don't need to blink or breathe but due to muscle memory we do it anyway' I explained as I gazed into those beautiful brown irises and watched the Werewolf mull over the new information before furrowing her shapely eyebrows.

'That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard' she said outright looking deadly serious behind the crack of smile.

'Is that so?' I replied resisting the temptation to trace the line of her oh so prominent jaw or caress a soft and tender looking cheek.

'Yes it is so. You being able to do all of those things is basically the useless equivalent to a human being having two kidneys' she argued and folded her arms as best she could on her side. 'We only need one to live'

'I'm sorry to punch a hole in your theory Camz but I'm pretty sure that didn't make any sense whatsoever' I chuckled.

'What I'm trying to say is that you can live without breathing or sleeping or eating, so you're basically just walking around with an extra kidney' she clarified and nodded like all of that was totally comprehensible.

'Okay Camz, thank you for that awesome diagnosis' I teased and a pout quickly replaced the lopsided grin on her face.

'Hey you know what if you don't appreciate my fast and logical thinking then you can go and find it elsewhere' she huffed then rolled over so she was facing away from me.

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