Chapter 35

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Camila's POV

God of all the things I could be doing or rather should be doing, school was definitely not at the forefront of my mind. I especially should not be this excited considering my history and the fact that high school regardless of popularity is like your own personal hell. I mean sure, I was a badass Werewolf and I had a smoking hot girlfriend who would destroy anyone who so much as gave me the stink eye, but you don't know eternity until you've sat in a classroom and literally counted down the minutes until your freedom. And now that I have my freedom I'm willingly walking back into that oppressive institution of the bored and the boring... Do I have a sickness bug? That's severely unlikely, much like the chances of me being able to make sense of this situation.

Am I really that desperate for a change of scenery, or closure, or meeting new people and taking my life back? Or all of the above... eurgh, my head hurts. Whatever, there's no point in thinking too hard on all of this today, at least not all at once. I've got like two weeks to kill until school starts; boiling over this early wouldn't do me any good. No, now would be a great time to just do nothing and you're the best at that so let's go~ now~ moving now~ legs go~ forward?~ or we could just stay in bed, that's cool too~ awesome.

Taylor's POV

Alright where is that little wolf? She's already missed breakfast and lunch is right around the corner. I figured she'd be stalking around outside or hanging out with Lauren; speaking of my older sister I haven't seen her around either. I'm pretty sure she was out in the woods at some point but I lost her when a deer stepped into my line of sight, now that was some good blood. Mmmm... stay focussed! Maybe she's in her room? I mean I can't remember the last time she was in there but I guess there's no harm in trying.

With that in mind I walked up to the girl in questions door and rattled on the wood a few times.

'Hey Mila, are you in there?' I called out and heard a faint 'yeah' in reply. It sounded like it was far away, even though the steady heartbeat I could hear right now indicated she was just inside the room, probably lying in bed. However, once I opened the door my question was answered right away when I saw Camila on her front holding a pillow over her head.

'Hey Taylor' the muffled voice sounded out.

'Do I even wanna know?' I chuckled and sat down carefully beside her.

'Probably not'

'Do you wanna tell me anyway?'

'Not really' she sighed.

'Do you... want me to go and get Lauren?'




'Do you wanna be left alone?' I asked.


'Okay' I nodded to myself and decide to get a little more comfortable for the long haul. 'How about I guess what's wrong and you answer yes or no. Sound good?' I suggested.


'Are you nervous about going to school?'


'Are you in any kind of pain?'

'I guess you could say that'

'Where does it hurt?' I questioned, scanning over her form quickly to look for any obvious cuts or bruises. Instead of answering verbally, she raised one of her hands and pointed at the pillow. Now I'm no genius, but I'm gonna go and ahead and say it's her head that hurts.

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