how you met

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you were turned recently after being bitten when you were walking home late in the dark. you have trouble controlling your shifts in school and you have to run out of the classroom, you hear someone call out to you and you turn around to see scott.

"y/n?" he asks, stepping towards you gingerly.

"please... please stay away, i'm- i'm a monster." you back away from him.

"you're not a monster... you're a werewolf, like me." he flashes his red eyes and you start to relax.

"you're an alpha?" you ask quietly.

he nods, "it's okay, i can help you." he steps forward again and reaches for your hand, taking hold of it and squeezing it comfortingly.

you were the new girl in school, you tried not to draw attention to yourself but you ended up walking into someone on your way to your first class, dropping all of your books.

"oh my god! i'm so sorry!" you heard someone say, you looked up to see a boy with brown, messy hair wearing a red flannel shirt.

he bent down in front of you and started picking up your books, "i'm so, so sorry." he muttered.

you giggled nervously, "it's fine, honestly."

the boy looked at you and smiled, "i'm stiles."

"y/n." you smiled back.

"you're new here, right?" he asked, standing up and offering you his hand which you took gratefully.

"yeh... thank you." you feel a slight blush spread across your cheeks.

"what class have you got first?" he asked, raising his eyebrows.

"um, biology." you glanced down at your planner.

"me too! i'll walk with you." he offered, he couldn't believe he finally had the courage to talk to a pretty girl.

you become one of the newest players on the lacrosse team, catching the eye of the team captain. he questions scott about you but he has no idea who you are.

he's impressed by how quickly you can move and when you score your first goal you take off your helmet and liam's eyes light up at how beautiful you are.

"wow." he mutters under his breath.

from across the field you hear him with your werewolf senses, liam furrows his eyebrows and then looks at scott.

"you don't think...?" he trails off as you jog over to him.

"yep." scott said, nodding.

you stop besides liam, "hey, liam." you smile.

he looks taken aback, "uh, hey." he stutters, astounded by your beauty.

"you know, i've seen you play and i'd love if you could teach me a few moves?" you ask.

scott laughs, "i think you'll be the one having to teach liam some moves."

"i'd love to." liam said, ignoring scott.

after living in france for a year after allison's death, isaac catches a plane back to beacon hills, where he meets you, the newest member of scott's pack.

"isaac, meet y/n, she's the newest member of the pack." scott introduced you both and isaac's jaw dropped as he saw you.

"wow... i mean, hello, it's lovely to meet you, y/n." he says, with a slightly british accent.

you turn to scott confused, "i thought he was american."

"i'm right here and i can hear you?" isaac mutters, "my mom was british so that's why."

"oh!" you say, slightly embarrassed, "it's so nice to finally meet you, scott's told me so much about you."

"he has?" isaac raises his eyebrows.

"i guess we can talk about that over dinner, tonight?" you tease.

isaac looks taken aback, "you're fast." he chuckles.

"well, it's a pack dinner," you smirk, "everyone's going to be there."

"ah." he smiles, but is slightly disappointed.

"another time it can be just us." you say quietly when you walk past him to leave him and scott to catch up.

you knew theo since kindergarten but he disappeared for years and he suddenly comes back to beacon hills. he doesn't remember many people from beacon hills but he instantly recognises you and you both reconnect.

you see a familiar face walk around the corner of the school corridor, as soon as you see him you run towards him, "theo?"

a huge grin spreads across his face, "y/n!" he opens his arms widely and envelops you in a hug.

scott and stiles watch him dubiously, immediately disliking him.

"what are you doing back here?" you ask, your voice muffled in his shirt.

"i missed home." he shrugged, letting you go.

"it's been so long!" you say, your eyes quickly flicking up and down his body, noticing his muscles underneath his tight, white shirt.

"i know, i guess we'll just have to catch up over dinner sometime." he winks.

Currently rewriting some of these, enjoy :)

(started March 4th, 2016)

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