strange love | scott mccall

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after stiles left beacon hills to continue his career in law enforcement, you found yourself growing closer and closer to scott mccall. neither of you would ever act on your feelings because of stiles, he'd broken up with you but everyone knew he still loved you. deep down you still loved him, but scott seemed to be the one that was always there for you. protecting you from the supernatural world in beacon hills.

one night you were in the woods with scott and malia investigating a lead when a twig snapped nearby and everyone froze and they dropped back to protect you, the human. suddenly hunters descended on you and scott and malia tried to fight them off, "run!" scott yelled to you.

you ran as fast as you could, dodging trees and their roots as you headed back to your car. you heard someone running behind you but you weren't fast enough to outrun someone who trained their whole lives to chase people. the man running behind you jumped you from behind and you fell to the ground with a thump, you struggled underneath him as you tried to break free. you felt him search his pockets for something and suddenly you felt pain in your side as something sharp dug into your skin.

suddenly the man was thrown off of you and scott bared his fangs, his eyes glowed blood red as the man struggled off of the ground and fled. scott turned to you and crouched down, he took off his jacket and pressed it to your side whilst using his spare hand to grasp your arm and take away your pain. you watched as his veins turned black as he took away your pain, "you're going to be okay..." he breathed out, relieved, "luckily it's not a deep wound."

"thank you, scott." you smiled up at him, grateful for him at this moment.

"i know this isn't the right time, but god i think i'm in love with you," scott mutters, "i just felt this pang in my chest when i saw him hurt you, it made me realise that i'd do anything to protect you."

your heart fluttered as you realised what he was saying, "you're in love with me?"

he nodded, licking his lips nervously, "i know you used to be with stiles but i can't help that i've fallen in love with you these past few months, we've spent so much time together and it kind of just happened..."

you hated admitting it, but you'd fallen for him too, despite a part of you that still loved stiles, "i think i love you too, scott... but-" you watched as his face fell at the word but, you reached out and touched his arm, smiling slightly, "i'd really like to take this slow, after stiles..."

a small smile made its way onto scott's lips, "of course."

"y/n!" you both heard malia yell, "are you okay?" she came rushing over and stood over you both.

"she'll be fine," scott said, "we should probably get you home," he lifted you up in his arms and carried you to your car, "malia, can you drive?"

"are you sure?" malia asked, wary of her driving skills.

"i'm sure." scott smiled at her reassuringly as he placed you gently in the back and got in besides you, wrapping his arm around you as you lay against him, resting your head on his shoulder.

malia sighed and got into the drivers seat, looking back at you both through the interior mirror as scott stared at admiringly, she smiled at the sight of her two best friends finally together after being able to sense their desire for each other for so long. she stopped watching as scott placed a sweet kiss on the top of your head as you started to close your eyes and fall asleep.

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