the first time | stiles stilinski

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"Hey y/n," Stiles said as you answered your phone, "wanna hang out later?"

You'd been dating for a few months now, after Stiles finally plucked up the courage to ask you out.

"Yeh sure! My place?" You replied.

"Awesome, I'll see you in a few." Stiles said before hanging up.

You had a few hours to tidy up before Stiles came over, you didn't know why you were so nervous for him to come over but you cleaned up anyway.

You even put on one of your new dresses, a light pink skater dress, which Stiles told you you looked cute in when you tried it on in the mall.

You were in the middle of texting your friends Lydia and Allison that you couldn't hang out with them and before you could finish you heard a light tap on your front door and you put your phone down to go downstairs to answer it.

"Hey, Sti." You greeted Stiles, he smiled.

"Hey y/n," he stepped inside and you closed the door behind him, he looked around, "are your parents home?"

"Oh, um, no." You blushed.

"Oh." He blushed, but then he smiled. He shrugged his jacket off and put it on the coat hanger. He was wearing one of his plaid shirts and jeans, his usual look.

He started walking upstairs, looking back at you, "aren't you coming?" He smirked.

You ran to catch up with him, "of course."

Stiles had been to your house before but he was always shy but today he seemed to be more confident.

When you walked into your room Stiles closed the door behind you, "y/n."

You turned around and saw him smiling at you with a glint in his eyes.

He closed the distance between you and cupped his hands around your face and his face came closer to yours, you felt his soft lips touch yours and soon you were wrapping your arms around him and he picked you up and carried you over to the bed and placed you down carefully.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked, pulling away and looking at you intensely with his dark brown eyes.

"Yes." You nodded and pulled him on top of you, wrapping your arms around his neck.

He deepened the kiss as you ran your hands through his hair, he pulled away and kneeled up, his knees either side of your body and hitched up his t-shirt. You stared at his beautiful body, he threw his t-shirt onto the floor and looked down at you.

"What?" He chuckled, you looked up at him and pulled him back towards you.

"You're an extremely beautiful human." You said in awe.

Stiles laughed and kissed your forehead, and carried on peppering kisses all over your face and down your neck. He was desperate to rip off your dress but a doorbell disrupted the both of you.

Stiles rolled over off of you and onto the bed, "are you expecting anyone?"

"No." You said confused, getting up and going to answer the door.

"Y/n!" Lydia smiled at you as you opened the door, and you saw Allison standing behind her.

"So are you coming shopping with us or what?" Lydia asked.

"Oh, I can't... I'm sorry, I'm busy..." You blushed.

"Busy doing what?" Lydia asked, but her mouth dropped open as soon as she saw a shirtless Stiles emerge from your bedroom and standing at the top of the stairs.

"Oh." Allison said, grabbing Lydia's arm and dragging her away, "have fun you guys! Be safe!" She yelled as she started giggling and got into her car and drove away quickly whilst Lydia was still in shock.

"Y/n and Stiles?!" Lydia gasped whilst Allison started driving.

"I think they're cute." Allison giggled.

"I guess..." Lydia said, still in shock.

"Oh come on, Lyds. You had your chance." Allison said, trying to lighten her mood.

"Yeh, sure." Lydia sighed.

Meanwhile you closed the door and ran back upstairs back to Stiles, "where were we?" You smiled as you wrapped your arms around Stiles and looked up at him.

"I believe we were in the middle of this..." He stopped and leaned down to kiss you, and wrapped his arms around you attempting to lift your dress off of you but he struggled.

"Let me.." You said, stepping away and lifting your dress off smoothly, all whilst he admired your beautiful body.

"Woah... I..." He stuttered, which made you giggle.

"Shut up and kiss me, Stilinski."

He stepped towards you and he pulled you close to him and he leaned down to close the distance between you and he kissed you, this time not letting go.

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