studying for exams

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scott is your tutor for AP biology, he's an excellent tutor as he takes time to help you and goes over anything you're uncertain about. he encourages you and believes in you, and that's all you need to power through the study sessions which always end up in make out sessions.

everything is colour coded, something he learnt from malia. highlighted green means you understand it, yellow means you kinda understand and red means you have no clue what it means. unfortunately most of your text book is highlighted red, so stiles recommends extra study time. so you get to spend every day after school with him, "studying".

you help liam studying as the two of you lay on his bed together. he gets distracted by you and keeps staring at you, when you ask him why he tells you your beauty is distracting. this results in you kissing him lightly on the lips then getting back to work.

isaac isn't exactly the best tutor but he makes you laugh when he tries to explain things. your studying usually takes place in isaac's room in his new apartment.

theo is behind in his school work due to his extracurricular activities outside of school, you spend hours tutoring him but he keeps distracting you by kissing you and joking around, clearly not taking it seriously.

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