that was pretty hot | theo raeken

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since coming back from hell theo had taken a liking to you, your friends had told you to stay away from- and that's exactly what you did... until you were paired up with him in gym class.

"alright, class!" coach finstock yelled, blowing his whistle, "today you're going to learn self defence, here are the pairs..."

he started listing out names until he got to yours, "next up, y/n and theo."

you groaned, "seriously?"

you heard someone chuckle lightly behind you, "this'll be fun."

you looked across at scott who'd been paired up with malia, he gave you a sympathetic look.

you turned around and rolled your eyes, "you know this means no werewolf powers, right?"

"come on, y/n, that's no fun." he smirked.

you threw your hands up in the air, "what is with you and that smirk?"

he shrugged before coach blew his whistle, "you all know what to do, i'll be over here, sitting down." he pointed to the bleachers on the lacrosse field.

you cringed at the thought of having to make physical contact with him, you threw a simple punch at him and he quickly ducked away. every time you moved closer to him he either ducked away or put his arms up to block you.

you sighed, theo raised his eyebrows, "you know you want to." his eyes flashed yellow as he taunted you to stop restraining your powers.

you looked around, watching the other pairs weakly throwing punches and kicks, always missing.

a growl escaped your throat as your eyes flashed yellow back at him causing theo to smile, knowing he'd touched a nerve.

he stepped towards you, but you knew what he was going to do before he even moved an inch further. he raised his arm in a punch but you ducked down and then back up quickly moving towards him and managing to pin him to the ground.

you smirk, "who's the tough one now?" you ask, remembering when he had pinned you down in a fight when he first came back from hell, your pack was determined to put him back.

he just chuckles, "that was pretty hot."

your face was inches from his and you could feel his breath against your skin, his eyes locked on yours, unblinking.

in a moment of weakness he flipped you over onto your back, "i know how to get under your skin, y/n, because deep down, you like me too."

you stared up at him as he stood up, offering you his hand. you reached up and took it, you used your strength to pull him back onto the ground. scott and malia were watching, waiting to see what you did next.

you stood over him, a small smile tugging at your lips.

"let me pick you up at 8?" theo smirked, leaning on his elbows.

you rolled your eyes, walking away before looking back, "alright, raeken."

he smiled widely, jumping up from the floor as scott and malia stared after you, wondering why you'd just accepted a date with their enemy.

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