when love dies [2] | stiles stilinski

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as it was highly requested... here's part two :)

seeing stiles with lydia together everyday in school made your heart hurt but he looked much happier with her than he ever did with you and that hurt the most.

"hey y/n," scott said as he walked next to you, "what's up?"

"nothing, you?" you replied bluntly.

"come on, are you seriously still hung up on stiles?" he sighed.

"no... i mean yes, but can you blame me? i loved him and i overheard him on the phone telling you he didn't love me anymore." you replied sadly.

"look, i know he's sad about how it happened and i am too, but he's happy now..." he trailed off as he saw lydia try to kiss stiles and he ducked backwards away from her kiss.

"hm." scott murmured.

you didn't see it happen and you carried on walking obliviously.

"why are you like this, stiles? you never want to hold my hand or even let me kiss you in public!" lydia huffed.

"look, i just don't want to upset y/n. imagine how hard it must be watching us act all loved up." stiles said.

"well if you're so bothered why did you break up with her to be with me?" lydia sighed.

"because i love you lydia." stiles breathed out in a huff.

"i'm not so sure about that stiles. you think you do, because of your third grade crush on me, but you had a girl who loved you and probably still loves you unconditionally." lydia said.

stiles didn't say anything.

"you know it's true. you broke up with a girl who loved you, for someone who can't love you the way you want to be loved," lydia immediately looked like she regretted saying that but she didn't stop, "i do love you stiles, but not the way y/n loved you."

stiles looked taken aback, "so, um, what does this mean... for us?" he stuttered.

"it's not going to work out stiles, you need to figure out who you really love. and think twice about crawling back to y/n because you really hurt her." lydia said before walking away from him, her heels clicking on the tiled floor of the hallway.

stiles stood in stunned silence as the bell rang and everyone rushed to lessons, he stayed in the same place until the halls were quiet and no one was left. the girl he thought he loved had left him and he had no idea what to do.

he found himself walking outside of the school building and onto the lacrosse field where he sat down on the benches.

unfortunately you were also sat on the benches and he didn't notice that you were sat behind him.

once he sat down he buried his head in his hands and his shoulders started shaking.

you felt your heart skip a beat as you watched him cry in front you, you'd never seen him upset before.

"stiles..." you got up and stepped down to the level he was sat on and sat besides him.

he looked up and glanced over at you, "oh, y/n.." he looked away and wiped his tears with the bottom of his t-shirt, revealing his toned stomach.

"what's wrong?" you reached out your hand to comfort him but immediately retracted it.

"nothing y/n." he sighed, his eyes were still watery and you hated seeing him upset.

"it's clearly not nothing, stiles. i've never seen you cry." you said quietly.

he didn't respond for a while until he finally told you, "i messed up y/n, i broke up with you because i thought i was in love with lydia but i'm not."

you didn't know how to respond so you just sat in stunned silence.

stiles looked over at you, "i'm sorry y/n, i was just so fixated with her but i wasn't in love with her. i-" stiles stopped in the middle of his sentence.

"what?" you asked.

"it's just, i was an idiot, i didn't realise that it's always been you. always." he said, reaching out and taking hold of your hand.

"stiles..." you said, you remembered how he broke your heart and you didn't want to let it happen again.

"i don't want to hurt you again, y/n. i'm not going to beg you to take me back because that day i broke up with you, honestly, it hurt seeing you so upset and i don't want to do that to you again," he squeezed your hand and let go, standing up, "i just want you to be happy without me." then he started walking away across the lacrosse field to the school building.

you sat for a moment and before you knew it you were standing up and running after him, you couldn't lose the boy you were in love with again.

"stiles!" you shouted.

he whirled around and looked at you running towards him, his heart skipped a beat and his mind raced with a million thoughts.

when you got closer he held his arms out for you to run into them, but you didn't.

instead you jumped and wrapped your legs around his waist and kissed him, his eyes were wide open in shock, but then he kissed you back.

he wrapped his arms around you tightly, "i promise i won't let you go again, and i will never hurt you."

"don't promise that." you said, staring into his dark brown eyes.

his lips twitched into a smile, and you kissed him again whilst he kept tight hold of you.

"but i want to promise you that. i promise to love you unconditionally for as long as i can because-" he was interrupted then when a loud whistle echoed across the lacrosse field startling you both.

"get a room!" a familiar voice called.

stiles almost dropped you in shock and when he placed you down you turned around and saw coach standing on the lacrosse field with a group of teenage boys standing behind him.

"sorry coach!" stiles yelled before you both burst into laughter.

stiles dragged you off of the lacrosse field and into the locker rooms, as soon as you closed the door he pinned you up against the wall and started kissing you, running his hands all over your body, his hands tugged on the bottom of your shirt itching to rip it off of you.

"i love you y/n." he whispered in your ear.

"are you sure about that?" you said pulling away from him.

he looked deep into your eyes, "i'm sure."

hope this is okay guys, please vote and comment :)

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